Sunday, August 16, 2009

Br Keane - Christ to the people of India

Br. Tony Keane
A brief interview with Br Tony Keane

Br Tony Keane passed away in Feb 2009. Below is the extract of interview before he left India and went back to Ireland for good on the 2nd of October. Failing health was the main reason for his sad departure from India where he had served for 57 years.
Q: When did you first come to India?
4th November 1951
Q: What are your fondest memories of India?

Working for the tribal people of Gujarat. It’s amazing but the lower down the social ladder you go the better the people and their values. My ex students who have thanked me not for the lessons but for the value they learned.
Q: What advice do you wish to pass on to RMS students?
You are very privileged,you come from good homes and backgrounds.Make use of school. Build your character and study hard. Every thing is taught in class so pay full attention. Don’t encourage those fooling around.
Q: What will you find hardest to say goodbye to in India ?
The people of India. The tribal people of Gujarat who took me right to their hearts. My brothers and my students.

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