Thursday, December 31, 2009

Message of Salvation

This prayer revealed prayer by the Holy Spirit to Rev.Fr. Mathew Naikamparambil V.C., founder of "Divine Ministry". It sprouted in a tiny village named Potta, Kerala in India. 

You may print & distribute this prayer, but "without making any changes".

The Prayer

Accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, be filled with His Spirit thus we are made children of God. This is the plan of God, Our Father, for our Salvation.

In order to bring all men to this plan of salvation, God permits cross and crisis into every one's life.

Before the world was made, God devised this plan for man's salvation. "So that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life" (Jn. 3:16)
Ask the Father in Jesus' name = Pray in the manner Jesus likes. It pleases the Father immensely when in our prayer we give utmost importance to the salvation of all people all over the world.

"Believe in Jesus, you and your family will be saved" (Acts 16: 31). For, if you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). Peter said to them,"Each one of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins shall be forgiven; and you shall receive God's gift, the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2: 37-38).

Believe that Jesus died on the cross to atone your sins. Receive Him into your heart and into your life. Since Jesus has obtained forgiveness of the sins of all whoever believes in Jesus will have his sin forgiven... " Salvation is to be found through Him alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us." (Acts 4:12).

"Happy are those whose sins are forgiven, and whose wrongs are pardoned" (Psalms 32: 1)

"Some however did receive Him and believed in Him; so He gave them the right to become God's Children". (John 1:12)


Holy Spirit is the free gift promised by Jesus, it is through the Spirit that we call God Father. "Whoever is thirsty should come to me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, streams of life giving water will flow from within him" (John 7 : 37-38). Whoever believes in Jesus can fill his heart every day with the Holy Spirit -the life giving water. He will also receive the grace to lead many to Jesus, who is the source of this 'lifegiving water'.


Those filled with the Holy Spirit will: 

  1. Experience God's love
  2. Receive the gift of prayer, and the power to understand the inner meaning of God's Word. 
  3. Obtain peace of mind, self control, the grace of endurance, the power to love and to forgive. 
  4. Receive the most precious gift of becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus 
  5. Above all, enjoy an active and meaningful Christian life - a life of commitment to Jesus and to the gospel.

Having obtained forgiveness of sins and freed from anxieties and other negative complexes the Spirit-filled persons become powerful instruments to draw people to God.


Think! Today... This very moment!!

The scripture asks:

"How then shall we escape punishment if we pay no attention to such a great salvation?" (Heb. 2:3) 

"What gain, then is it for a man to win the whole world and ruin his life? And indeed what can a man offer in exchange for his life? (Mark 8:36-37)

"God has overlooked the times when people did not know Him; but now He commands all of them everywhere to turn away from their evil ways". (Acts 17:30) 

“I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” (John 6:37)


Jesus, Son of God, You gave up your life on the Cross to save me. I accept You as my Saviour and my Lord. I give up all my sins and all my sinful desires. I entrust myself and my life to You to be moulded according to Your will. Fill my heart with Yourself and transform me into a new creation.

Loving Father, I thank You and I glorify You because of Your great plan to make Me a 'new man' in Jesus.


God says:

"I know well the plans I have in mind for you. Plans for your welfare and not for your disaster, plans to give you a future full of hope. Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you. You will seek me and you will find me and I will restore your fortunes” (Jer 29:11-14)


I shall restore your fortunes' says God. But when and how does God restore it…



The Lord will make you go through hard times, but He will Himself be there to teach you, and you will not have to search for Him anymore, if you wander off the road to the right or to the left, you will hear His voice behind you saying, “Here is the road follow it" (Is 30:20,21)


    * ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved-you and your family' (Acts. 16:31)
    * Those who accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour are promised the right to become God's Children. (Ref. John. 1:12)
    * Praise God for all brokenness and wait for God's revelations. Pray and wait for God’s Spirit to fill you.

Lord, fill me with Your Spirit. (Recite twice daily - 20 minutes each)


    * Jesus, Son of God, You are my Saviour.
    * Jesus, you are sufficient for me.
    * Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to praise You always and for everything.
    * Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit You have promised us.
    * Jesus, reveal to me Your plans and Your designs for me.
    * Lord, lead me according to your plans.
    * Jesus, I glorify You; Jesus, I thank you.
    * Speak 0! Lord, your servant is listening (1 Sam. 3 : l0)
    * For all my sorrows and tribulations, Lord I praise you.


Song: "Have thine own way Lord"
Why does God permit sufferings?

He did this so that they would look for Him and perhaps find Him through experiencing Him” (Acts 17:27)


    * O! God, give me Your light.
    * O! Lord, make me worthy to become Your servant.
    * My Jesus, teach me to seek Your will at all times and everywhere.
    * Lord Jesus, You are the goal of my life.
    * We praise You Jesus; we thank you Jesus! We glorify You Jesus.



"Come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you" (Matt 11:28)
'Do not live in fear little flock, it has pleased your Father to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12 :32)



For God's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace and joy which the Holy Spirit gives" (Rom 14:17)


Pray, confessing the Holy name of God-all will experience forgiveness of sins and healing. (These prayers confessing the name of Jesus Christ can be used for both individual and community prayers)
Jesus, Son of the eternal Father
Jesus, Saviour of the world,
Jesus, Son of God who gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit,
Jesus, lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
Jesus, the sacrificial offering for atonement of the sins of the world,
Jesus, Son of God, who became man to do the will of the eternal Father.


Jesus, You are my Saviour.
Jesus, You are my Lord.
Jesus, You are the ruler of my life.
Jesus, You are the source of my life.
Jesus, You give me everlasting life.
Jesus, You are the remission of my sins.
Jesus, you are my Salvation.
Jesus, You are my refuge.
Jesus, You are my hope.
Jesus, You are my healer.
Jesus, You are my divine physician and medicine.
Jesus, You are my beginning and my end.
Jesus, You are my Way, the Truth and my Life.
Jesus, You are my everything.
Jesus, You are sufficient for me.
Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus.



"The Father will give you whatever you ask of Him in my name." (John 15:16)
Ask the Father in Jesus' name = Pray in the manner Jesus likes. It pleases the Father immensely when in our prayer we give utmost importance to the salvation of all people all over the world.


O! Jesus, Lord of the universe, I submit all my sorrows and afflictions to your most Sacred Heart. I offer my family, all our grieves and pains to You. I thank You for Your care of me since my birth till today.
I believe that You will protect us, all our days ahead.
I trust in You Jesus and I thank You Lord Jesus.
Most Loving Jesus fill me and all those around me, with Your Holy Spirit.
Lord, we also pray that you lead us and guide us through the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus.


"Come to me all you who are weary and find life burden-some, I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me: for I am gentle and humble of heart. You souls will find rest (Matt.11:28-29)


    * 1. God Our Father, we praise you.
          God Our Father, we thank you.
          God Our Father, we glorify you.
    * 2. Jesus, we praise You.
          Jesus, we adore You.
          Jesus, we Glorify You.
    * 3. Holy Spirit, we praise You,
          We adore You, we glorify You


    * O! God, come and dwell within us (3 times)
    * O! Lord, fill us with Your love (3 times)
    * Save us, Lord Jesus (3 times)
    * Lord Jesus give us the grace to seek you and to find you (3 times)
    * Lord Jesus, fill us with Your Holy Spirit (10 times)
    * Lord Jesus, enlighten our minds to understand your mysteries (3 times)
    * Lord, Jesus, grant us the grace to bring others to the knowledge of Your love (5 times)
    * Praise You Jesus; Thank You Jesus.



    * My Lord and my God (6 times)
    * Jesus, my God and my Saviour (6 times)
    * Jesus, my Lord and my friend (6 times)
    * Jesus, You are my everything (6 times)
    * Thank You Jesus; Praise You Jesus (6 times)


Why does God permit sufferings?
1. "He did this so that they would look for Him and perhaps find Him through experiencing Him”
(Acts. 17:27)
In all your Sufferings praise the Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

For all our sufferings Lord, we praise and Thank You (5 Times)
After every sorrowful experience You lead us to great rejoicing in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, You died on the Cross, but with great power You rose from the dead.
Soon after the pains and agony of ‘Good Friday’ You lead us to the joy of ‘Easter Sunday.’ We praise You Lord; We thank You Lord (twice)

2. “ We know that by turning everything to their good. God co-operates with all those who love Him-with all those that he has called according to His purpose.” (Rom.8:28)
3. “The Lord corrects everyone He loves and punishes everyone He accepts as a son” (Heb. 12:6)
4. Seek first His Kingship over you, His way of holiness, and all these other things will be given to you.” (Matt.6:33)


For all our brokenness
For all our weaknesses
For all our unhappy experiences
For all our infirmities
For all our failures
For all our humiliations
For all our rejections
For all our economic burdens
For the failures and weaknesses of our dear ones
For bringing out good even from evil
For the grace of death to sin and the new life in the Holy Spirit.
Lord, after every trial and crisis. You give us the grace to come closer to you,
liberating us from our self-centeredness.
Lord we thank You; Lord we Praise You

For speaking to us through the Holy Bible
For giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit
For transforming us into God's Children
For having called us to work for the kingdom of God
For everything and at all times
God, we praise You; God we thank You.

Reveal to us O! God, Your divine truths
Give us Your Spirit and awaken us O! Lord
Give us Your Spirit and save us O! Lord
Give us Your Spirit and heal us O! Lord
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and make us Your apostles
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and make us Your ministers.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and teach us to listen to Your voice.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and teach us to live with our eyes fixed on Heaven.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and fill us with God's love.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and transform us.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and help us to die to self
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and teach us to pray.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and deliver us from evil habits.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and teach us to praise God.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and mould us into the likeness of Jesus.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and prepare us to lead others to divine experience.
Give us Your Spirit Lord, and strengthen us to spread the word of God.
We praise You Father
We praise You Jesus
We Praise You Holy Spirit 


Though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide Himself Your eyes shall see your Teacher. And your ears shall hear a voice from behind, saying "This is the way - walk in it" (Isaiah 30:20-21) (Say twice)
"My sheep listen to my voice and they follow me, I give them eternal life (Jn 10: 27-28) (Say 3 times)



1. Recollecting God's goodness, rejoice and give thanks
2. Praise God in sufferings and adversities and wait for gods plan to be revealed to you.
3. Pray and wait to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, have mercy, have mercy on us O! Lord. Do not punish us Lord. Forgive us our sins and the sins of our fore-fathers and our brothers. Free us from the punishments we deserve. Accept us as your own and lead us by Your Holy Spirit.

Laying prostrate say this prayer for five minutes each every morning and evening.


1. Recollect God's blessings. Rejoice and thank Him O! God we thank you. How good you are. When such a disposition for prayer develops in us. We will be filled with God's love; we will be filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. Praise God in adversities. God will bring good even out of evil. With this hope praise God Praise Him unceasingly waiting to hear His voice. For all adverse situations and crosses. I Praise You Jesus. I Thank You Jesus.
      (Repeat this prayer in solitude for 20 minutes twice every day. Spend your time in praise and prayer till thoughts that bring peace and courage come to you)

3. God's greatest gift is Jesus Christ. The greatest promise of Jesus is the Holy Spirit. To become spirit filled, pray twice daily. 20 minutes each; "Lord Jesus, fill me with your Spirit"

4. The study of the Bible is a prayer. Before reading the Bible, thirst for the "Word" for sometime (5 or 6 minutes)

    a) Lord Jesus, give me Your Word.
    b) Lord Jesus, give me Your Message.
    c) Lord Jesus, reveal your plan about me.
    d) Lord Jesus, speak to me.
    (Repeat in your mind any of these prayers. When we read with thirst, the Lord will give us His inspiration.)

While reading the Bible it is good to mark and note those words that attract us. Later, the Holy Spirit will remind us these words at the appropriate time and God will lead us through these words.

The Holy Bible is full of God's promises, Learn those promises. Learn those promises that have influenced you and wait in hope for their fulfillment. God will enter your life through them.



In your life, give first place to God who is your Creator and protector.
1. Be vigilant to seek the Divine will and to obey God's commandments.
2. 'Let God's Glory be your life's goat' (1 Cor. 10:31)
Hear O' Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. Love your neighbour as you love yourself (Mark 12 : 29-31)

All human beings are bound to obey these commandments. For God is Creator and man merely a created being.

Do you want to be freed from diseases, affliction, financial burdens and bondage of sin? Listen attentively to the Words in the Bible. Faith is the means by which God's power and redemption are brought to us.

God says :
"It is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts; but God's gift" (Eph. 2 :8)

"Believe in Him (Jesus, the Saviour of the world), whom God has sent" (John 6:29). "We know and testify that the Father (God the Father) has sent His son to be the Saviour of the World" (1 John 4:14)

"Therefore if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from dead you will be saved. For it is by our faith that we are put right with God, it is by our confession that we are saved" (Rom. 10 : 9-10)

...That you receive Jesus as the Saviour of the world is not enough. It is absolutely necessary that you accept Him as your personal Saviour and Lord of your Life. 

Times of crisis - these are the days God has chosen to speak to us - Wait on the Lord for His revelations, Train yourself to listen to God's voice.

Praise God continually in sickness and in trials- Wait for the Lord to reveal Himself to you


God has spoken and revealed many things to mankind. God's fullest revelation of Himself is Jesus Christ. We must prepare ourselves to receive Jesus Christ, whom God has revealed to us.

Jesus Christ is the only answer and remedy to all problems of man. "He is an offering for our sins" (1 John 2 :2)

"He is our peace" (Eph. 2 : 14)

"I am the Alpha and the Omega; the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (REv. 22:23)

When Jesus Christ becomes the ruler of our life - There shall be no more curse. The throne of God and the Lamb will be in the City. (Rev. 22:31)



'God is Spirit' (John 4 :24)
Jesus spoke to the Samaritan Woman: "If only you knew what God gives and who it is that is asking you for a drink you would have asked Him and he would have given you Living Water


"I have come to give you life and give it abundantly" (John 10:10)
Lord, anoint me with Your Holy Spirit. Fill me Lord, with the fruits and gifts of Your Spirit.


Lord, use me as a messenger to carry to others the good news of the free gift of salvation though faith in Jesus. For this ministry Lord, shower upon me the gifts and fruits of Your Holy Spirit. Lord, in order to minister to the salvation of many, we pray that you annoint large number of preachers and workers of the gospel. Send them Lord, to the various fields of apostolate and through them may tens of thousands reach the shores of salvation. Amen, Amen.


St. Paul the Apostle writes: "I consider the sufferings of the present to be as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed to us" (Rom. 8:18

St. Peter Writes: "My dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering, as though something unusual were happening to you. Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ's sufferings, so that you may be full of joy when his glory is revealed... Happy are you if you are insulted because you are Christ's followers; this means that the glorious Spirit, the Spirit of God is resting on you. (I Pet. 4: 12-14)


Jesus said: "Everyone will hate you because of Me. Whoever holds out to the end will be saved" (Mk 13:13)

"Do not lose courage, then because it brings with it a great reward. You need patience to do God's will and receive what he has promised." (Heb. 10: 35-36)


For every experience of suffering;
For stripping us of our selfishness through suffering;
For teaching us through suffering to be patient and kind;
For teaching us to praise God for every trial;
For the promise of Heavenly reward for every suffering we endure;
Since our life and our health are your free gifts;
For teaching us to live for you and for your Kingdom;
For revealing to us that the world and its pleasures are transient.
For preparing us through sufferings, to live and work for eternal happiness.
For transforming our whole being into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Praise You Jesus, Thank You Jesus, Alleluia,
Praise the Lord.  



"Are you not aware that love of the world is enmity to God? A man is marked as God's enemy if he chooses to be the world's friend" (James 4:4)

"Everything that belongs to the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life - is not of the Father, but comes from the world. The World and everything in it that people desire is passing away; but he who does the will of God lives for ever." (1 John 2 : 16-17)


God, bless us to dies to the world, to the fresh and its pleasures. Fill us O! God with the Spirit of the risen Christ. (twice)



1. "Indeed. God's word is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates and divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the reflections and thoughts of the heart"

2. "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching - for reproof, correction and training in holiness, so that the man of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work." (2 Tim 3:1)


Jesus Speaks:
3. "I came that they might have life* and have it to the full" (Jn 10:10)
4. "I have come to set fire ** on earth. What else would I wish except that it should blaze" (Luke 12:49)
5. "The thief *** come only to steal and slaughter and to destroy. But I have come to give you life" (John 10:10)

*     Life - New life in the Holy Spirit
**    Fire - the fire of God's love
***    1) Thoughts and ideas that destroy peace of mind and tranquility.
       2) Views and attitudes that generate malice and spite towards others.
       3) Powers of darkness that lead to sin and various confusions.


God Says:
6. "I am the alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End; To anyone who thirst I will give to drink without cost from the spring of life - giving water" (Rev 21:6)
(God is the beginning and the end, the goal and the perfection of man's life. Those who thirst to be filled by God's Spirit will receive it. They would then begin to experience joy, meaning for life and its mission, together with healing of body, mind and soul.)


7. O! God, come and fill me with yourself. Fill me with your love. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Fill me with the gifts of your spirit. Lord, grant me the gift of prayer; the gift of praise and the grace to hear God's voice within.

Lord, Fill everyone of my friends and those around me with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.


Words of Jesus:
8. "You should not be working for perishable food, but for food that remains unto life eternal, food which the son of man will give you." (John 6:27)

"And the world with its seductions is passing away, but the man who does God's will endures forever" (1 John 2:17)

Jesus, may you be the goal of my life.
Lord, teach me to live with heaven as my aim. Lord, do not let us labour for perishable food alone. Teach us, Lord Jesus to live for eternal life. We praise You Jesus. We thank You Jesus.


9. "Remember not the events of the past; the things of long ago consider not; See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?... I put water in the desert and rivers in the wasteland for my chosen people to drink - The people whom I formed for myself, that they might announce my praise" (Is 43 : 18,19,21)

10.As evening drew on, they brought Him many who were possessed. He expelled the Spirits by a simple command and cured all who were afflicted thereby fulfilling what had been said through Isaiah the prophet: "It was our infirmities He bore, our sufferings He endured" (Mat 8: 16,17)


11. "When Jesus saw the crowd he was moved with compassion for them. For, they were harassed and dejected like sheep without a shepherd" (Mat. 9: 36)

12. "I am the Lord and I show compassion and pity on those I choose." (Exod. 33 :19)

13. When they came to Jesus they said :
"John the Baptist sent us to ask if you are the one he said was going to come or if we should expect someone else" (At that very time Jesus was curing many of their diseases, afflictions and evil spirits. He also restored sight to many who were blind) Jesus gave this response: "Go and report to John what you have seen and heard. The blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, the deaf hear, dead men are raised to life and the poor have the good news preached to them. How blessed are those have no doubts about me" (luke 7: 20-23)

14. "It is I, who wipe out, for my own sake, your offences; your sins I remember no more" (Isaiah 43:25)

15. " I am Yahweh who heals you " (Exodus 15: 26)      

Lord Jesus have mercy on me and come into my life
Come into my life, and fill me with your life Lord.
Lord Jesus, heal me of all my ailments, and save me fully
Lord, I pray, that you heal me, of all my hurt feelings.
Lord, take away all the bitterness, of my painful experience.
Lord, I place at your feel, the sickness of my body, the agonies of my heart, and the stains of my soul, Jesus heal me of all these evils
Above all Lord I pray, that my whole being may be transformed into your images so that I may become a new creation.
Praise You Jesus, Thank You Jesus


16. "I have loved you with an everlasting love. My faithfulness to you is unshakeable" (Jer. 31:3)

17. "I have called you by your name - you are mine" (Isaiah 43:1)

18. "Ask and you will receive, search and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you... if you then, evil as you are, know how to give good things to your children, how much more will the Heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him" (Luke 11 : 9-13)


19. "So don't be all upset, always concerned about what you will eat and drink. (For the pogons of this world are always concerned about all these things). Your Father knows that you need these things. Instead be concerned with His Kingdom, and He will provide you with these things" (Luke 12 : 29-31)

20. "Seek first His Kingship over you, His way of holiness, and all the rest will be given to you" (Mathew 6:33)

21. "Unload all you burden on to Him, since He is concerned about you.

22. "Seek, Lord, Your servant is listening" (1 Sam 3:10)
23. "I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say " (Luke 1:38)

24. "On My servants both men and women I will pour out My Spirit in those days and they will prophesy" (Acts 2 : 18)
25. "Not everyone who cries out "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father in Heaven

Lord Jesus, bless me that I may become your servant seeking and doing your will always and everywhere. Grant me Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, which you have promised to your servants.

Thank You Jesus
Praise You Jesus



"I tell you most solemnly, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God" (Jn 3 :5)
Born of water and the Spirit = Hear the Word, receive the Spirit, and experience the gift of conversion"
Water = Word of God

Lord Jesus grant us the grace to listen to the "Word of God" and to be filled with the Spirit of God (Twice)


"What matters is that one becomes an altogether new creature. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, who form the Israel of God" (Gal 6:15-16)
Israel of God = The Chosen people of God

Heavenly Father, we thank you and we praise you for inviting us to become a new person in Christ Jesus (Twice)


"My people have committed two crimes: They have abandoned me, the fountain of living water and they have dug themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water at all" (Jer 2: 13)
Fountain of Living Water = God: Word of God

Lord Jesus, fountain of living water, give us the life giving water, Your Holy Spirit (Twice)
"Remember, I am coming soon! I bring with Me the reward that will be given to each man as his conduct deserves" (Rev 22: 12)

Lord Jesus, strengthen our faith in you, more and more each day, so that we may live, aiming at our heavenly reward (Twice)


"I am baptizing you in water, but there is one to come who is mightier that I; He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in Fire" (Luke 3 : 16)

(a) For your merciful gift of baptism in Spirit, we thank you Jesus; we praise you Jesus; and we glorify you Jesus.
(b) Lord Jesus, have mercy on me and baptize me in Your Spirit.
(c) Lord Jesus, I humbly pray that You shower upon me the fruits and the gifts of Your Spirit (Twice)


All the prophets spoke about Him saying that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.
Peter had not finished these words when the Holy Spirit descended upon all who were listening to Peter's message" (Acts. 10 : 43-44)
Beloved Father, in you divine mercy you have granted to us deliverance from our sins and the gift of your Holy Spirit, through you son Jesus Christ. For this we thank you Father. We praise You Father. Praise and glory to you Lord Jesus, for ever and ever.

    N.B. What is covered in I, II,III, IV, V, VI need not be used on the same day.  Study Gods words, pray daily to be filled by the Spirit, and wait for the Lord. Jesus will come through the trials and storms of life. He will speak to you: "It is I. Do not be afraid" (John 6 :20)

O! Jesus, Lord of power and might, we praise you or converting all evils and misfortunes of our life to our good.



"This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Reform your lives and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15)
Kingdom of God = 1. Life filled with God experience 2. Life that seeks and fulfills God's will 3. Life filled with the Spirit
1. Lord Jesus, may your reign come within me and in my life. Fill me Lord Jesus with your Love. Beloved Jesus, I invite You to become the Lord of my life. Fill me Lord Jesus with Your Holy Spirit.
2. Lord Jesus, in your mercy, grant me the grace to be conscious of my sins, and lead me to true repentance. Let me experience your peace and enjoy the gift of Your love. Praise you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.


"Whoever believes and accepts baptism will be saved; whoever refuses to believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:16)

(a) O! Jesus, I accept You as the Lord and Master of my whole being.
(b) In your mercy O! Lord Jesus, grant me the gift of baptism in the Spirit,
     Jesus, we thank you,
     Jesus, we praise you.


"Anyone who loves me will be true to my Word, and my Father love him; we will come to him and make our dwelling with him" (John 14:23)
God our Heavenly Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit, come and make your dwelling within us. Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to conform our life to Your Word.


"I give you My Word. If you are ready to believe that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, it shall be done for you. When you stand to pray, forgive anyone against whom you have a grievance. So that you heavenly Father may in turn forgive you you faults." (Mark 11: 24,25)
(a) Merciful and loving God, we pray for the grace and strength to forgive all who have hurt us at any time to ask pardon of all those whom we have hurt.
(b) Jesus our Lord, we believe that you will provide for all our needs, at the right time.
(c) "Your Father already knows what you need even before you ask Him" (Mathew 6: 8)
Lord Jesus, you have revealed to us the love and concern of the Father for everyone of us.
For this, Jesus we praise you; Jesus we thank you.


'Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you' (1 Peter 5: 7)
a) Merciful God, we thank you for your concern about us, always and in everything. We praise you and thank you for your abundant love.
b) Lord Jesus, into your mighty hands, I surrender all that I have, all that I do, the longings of my heart; and all that I hope for.



An alcoholic is a sick person. He is beset with physical, mental and spiritual infirmities. Alcohol cripples the mind, destroys delicate cells and tissues of the body. This is why he needs care and treatment.

An alcoholic is unable to deal with even the usual problems and difficulties which confront him. This is because alcoholism is a bondage to sin. Therefore it is imperative that he, not relying on his own strength turn to the power of God to be relieved from this slavery. So acknowledging one's own helplessness, the alcoholic should cry out: "Save me, my Lord and my God"



"The Scripture declares : "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved - you and all your household" (Acts 16 : 31)
"There is no salvation in any one else, for there is no other name in the whole world given to men by which we are to be saved. (Acts 4:12)



1. Give up all actions that displease the Lord "Renounce your faults, keep your minds unsoiled, and cleanse your heart from all sin, when you are ill, do not rebel, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you." (Sirach 38 9-10)
2. Give up the company of alcoholics
"You should not associate with a person who calls himself a brother but is immoral or greedy or worships idols or is a slanderer or a drunkard or a thief. Don't even sit down to eat with such a person" (1 Cor. 5: 11)
3. Forgiveness to all
Aversion, anger, accusation, hatred, resentment and pride obstruct the work of the Holy Spirit . For, God is Love(1 John 3 : 8)
Where there is disagreement, discord and lack of love, the work of the Holy Spirit is impeded. The result is lack of self-discipline and drunknesses. (Luke 6 :37)
4. Repent Before God
"Wake up your drunkards and weep; wait all drinkers of wine" (Joel 1: 5)
5. Pray Incessantly
"So be on the watch, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen, and to stand secure before the Son of man. (Luke 21 : 36)
6. Cultivate Lofty ideals and thoughts
"It is love then that you should strive for" (1 Cor. 14 : 1)
"Do not get drunk with wine which will only ruin you; instead be filled with the Holy Spirit" (Eph. 5 :18)
7. Commit Life of Gospel Apostolate
When you dedicate your life to spread the Gospel, God will liberate your family from the bondage of sin. (Ref. Luke 18)



Merciful God, look with pity upon me sorrowful, broken and helpless. I have become a slave to alcohol. I have misused the gifts you have given me. I have neglected the duties you placed on me. Selfish living has made me proud and arrogant. I know Lord Jesus, that I cannot free myself from this evil without your strength and mercy. I offer myself to you Jesus, my Lord and My Saviour. Lord, give me the Spirit you promised to give to your servants. Lord Jesus my divine Saviour, protect me this day from all temptations that lead me to sin.
I praise you Lord Jesus, trusting that You will transform my past failures, guilt and brokenness into my own good.
Lord Jesus, You gave Your life for my sake!
I renounce my sinful ways and all evil desires for love of you.
I give up everything that leads to intoxication.
Lord Jesus, given me Your divine light and the power of your Spirit.


Monday, December 28, 2009

Channels of healing

(Part 1)
- Fr Joshi V.C, Tabor Bhavan
Very often people seek God to get healing from their sickness. To a nun, who lost her voice totally due to an infection in throat and cough, the other sisters suggested to attend a Charismatic convention that was going on in the neighbourhood to get healing. At the retreat centres or any other places where the word is proclaimed, what people expect is healing. This may be in many different ways. God the Father fulfilled his promise of salvation by giving us Jesus as our saviour. "For God so loved the world  that He gave His only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life." (Jn 3:16).
Before the birth of Jesus the angel informed Joseph thus, "She will have a son, and you will name him Jesus - because he will save his people from their sins. (Mat 1:21). Salvation comes to us through the remission  of sins. Here we receive healing of Spirit. Those who lead a holy life after receiving the remission of sins are examples of people who are healed in Spirit. "Come to me all who labour and are overburdened and I will give you rest." (Mat 11:28). Here God invites his children for the healing of mind. "I shall give the weary all they need and satisfy all those whose strength has gone." (Jer 31:25). "I will seek the lost and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, but the fat and the strong, I will destroy. I will feed them with justice. (Eze. 34:16). "Thus says the Lord, Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears, for there is a reward for your work, says the Lord. ' They shall come back from the land of the enemy, there is hope for your future', says the Lord." (Jer 31:16).
The sick came to Jesus and Jesus healed them. Besides this, He gave the following  mission to his disciples, "Whenever you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is set before you, cure the sick who are there, and say to them - The kingdom of God has come near to you." (Luke 10:8-9). “And these signs will accompany those who believe : by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark:16:17-18). He awaits to  give us physical healing, "With weeping they shall come, and with consolation I will lead them back, I will let them walk by brooks of water, in a straight path in which they shall not stumble." (Jer. 31:9).
"Stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus." (Acts 4:30). Here apostles prayed for the power of healing in the name of Jesus. Jesus heals people of all sorts of physical ailments. He is a great deliverer and healer. Therefore, we can approach Him for any type of healing. "Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Heb 4:16). In Exodus 15:26 the Lord says, "I am the Lord who heals you." We need healing because we are wounded. "My people struck down with a crushing blow, with a very grievous wound.” (Jer. 14:17). This hurts him. "For the hurt of my poor people I am hurt, I mourn and dismay has taken hold of me." (Jer. 8:21) "For  I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, says the Lord." (Jer. 30:17). Jesus gives a complete and all round healing. "The light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, like the light of the seven days, on the day when the Lord binds up the injuries of his people, and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow." (Isaiah 30: 26).
The realization that one needs healing leads one to receive healing. As long as we do not have this realization we will not receive healing. This was evident in the healing at the pool of Bethzaida. "When Jesus saw him lying there a long time, he said to him -  Do you want to be made well?" (Jn. 5:6). Therefore, let us examine the signs that suggest whether we are wounded and are in need of healing.
1.     Unable to do the  good one wishes to do.
2.     Always finding fault with others.
3.     Unwilling to accept love from others.
4.     Unable to experience penitence.
5.    Always having an uneasy feeling.
6.    While praying, the thoughts about others make one restless; And not able to forgive them.
7.     Not able to co-operate with the family members as well as the members of the society.
8.     Always weeping and complaining while before the Lord.
All these are signs that tell us that we are wounded and we are in need of healing. He is waiting to heal us.

It is very common among us to have a desire to do good, but what we do is not the good we want to do but the evil that we hate to do. There is a reference to this in Rom 7:15-24. Besides this, there is a basic tendency to repay evil for evil. That is why the Word of God says, "Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." (Rom 12:17-18). Through this we can get rid of the influence of evil within us. In whichever situation we get agitated easily, it is very clear that we must have been wounded sometimes in the past in similar situation. This wound will intensify the influence of evil in us. We need healing from the Lord. He is the source of goodness. Therefore, when we do good for evil, the healing of Jesus will work within us. That is the sum and substance of 5,6,7 chapters of the Gospel of Mathew.
For example:
1.     Rejoice and be glad when people revile you. (Mat 5:11).
2.     Be reconciled to your brother or sister. (Mat 5:23-24).
3.     Turn the other cheek to him who strikes on the right. (Mat. 5:39).
4.     Love your enemies. Mat 5:44).
5.     Pray for those who persecute you. (Mat 5:44).
Therefore, if we desire to do the good that we want to do, we must examine and find out the evils that abide in us and their influence. We must make a conscious effort to conquer those by doing good and run away from evil circumstances. If one has a tendency to consume liquor, keep away from such company. If one is under the bondage of being unchaste, do not look, hear or touch anything that prompts to indulge in it. Sinful circumstances act as a fertile ground for the evil to take root in us. Therefore only if keep ourselves away from the sinful circumstances, can we practise good. "Have you sinned, my child? Do so no more, but ask forgiveness for your past sins. Flee from sin as from a snake; for if you approach sin, it will bite you. Its teeth are lion's teeth, and can destroy human lives. All lawlessness is like a two-edged sword; there is no healing for the wound it inflicts." (Sirach 21:1-3). Therefore, it is necessary to avoid sinful circumstances to keep oneself away from evil. Let us receive healing, by keeping ourselves away from the circumstances that prompts us to sin and by doing good for evil. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Rom 12:21). "Let them turn away from evil and do good; let them seek peace and pursue it." (1 Peter 3:11).

Many of us are wounded by others' utterances; we find fault with others and judge others . 'Those who pay heed to slander will not find rest ,nor will they settle down in peace. The blow of a whip raises a welt, but a blow of the tongue crushes the bones. Many have fallen by the edge of the sword, but not as many as have fallen because of the tongue. Happy is one who is protected from it, who has not been exposed to its anger, who has not borne its yoke, and has not been bound with its fetters . For its yoke is a yoke of iron, and its fetters are fetters of bronze; its death is an evil death, and Hades is preferable to it.” (Sirach 28:16-21). This tendency exists in us because we are wounded. The Lord is the only one who can pass judgement on others. Our judgement should help others grow in goodness; they should help redeem others. "So make balances and scales for your words. Make a door and a bolt for your mouth." (Sirach 28:25). "Let your word be 'yes, yes' or 'no, no'; anything more than this comes from the evil one." (Mat 5:37)."Let your 'yes' be yes and your 'no' be no,  so that you may not fall under condemnation." (James 5:12).
Those who judge others are the ones who do not acknowledge or accept one's own shortcomings. Lord rectifies all our drawbacks and heals us. Therefore it is to the Lord that we must bring our drawbacks. As long as we do not bring them to the Lord, it will come out of us as criticism towards others. "You shall love your neighbour as yourself; there is no other commandment greater than this." (Mark 12:31). If you can't love yourself it is not possible for you to love your neighbours. In one moment there are many judgements that pass through our minds. Those who have experienced the healing of Jesus will pass judgement of healing. "When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, 'Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." (John 8:7). This verse leads the listeners to transform themselves. The seeds of self awareness are sown in their hearts. They receive this awareness after coming to Jesus and listening to him. Jesus made those who came to accuse him their own judges. The presence of Jesus as well as his words gave them healing in a major area. He corrected them  by not accusing them but by leading them to self awareness. Our judgement will be helpful to others when it  leads them to truth and self awareness. Thus the judgement we make after the example of Jesus will turn out to be a blessing for others."No one can tame the tongue - a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth comes blessing and curse. My dear  brothers and sisters, this ought not to be so. 'Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and brackish water?" (James 3:8-11). "Those who desire life and desire to see good days, let them keep their tongue from evil and their lips from speaking deceit; let them turn away from evil and do good; let them seek peace and pursue it.” (1 Peter 3: 10,11).

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas - Good News of great joy for all the people

Holy and Heavenly Christmas to ALL

There was a multitude of the heavenly host of angels praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill towards all men" (Lk 2:13-14)

"Glory to God in the Highest"

How will you glorify God? Jesus said, "Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven" (Mt 5:16). Christians are those who live like Christ Jesus. If Christ is in you and you follow his teachings, then you are a real Christian. Christmas is not a day for smoking, drinking and getting involved in sinful activities. It is a day to invite Jesus into your hearts. Jesus who was born two thousand years ago into this world, must now take birth in your heart and your family so that your family will became another Holy Family.
All the people who visited Jesus in Bethlehem at the time of his birth praised and worshipped him. None of them drank or smoked or got involved in sinful activities (cf Mt 2:1, Lk 2:20, Rom 14:17). Therefore, glorify God with your good works and with your exemplary life, so that looking at your life people may glorify God, the heavenly Father.

"Peace on earth"

How will you maintain peace on earth? We see that the whole world is in trouble. There is no peace or happiness in any country or in many families. People are against people. There are wars, famine, violence, sickness, lawlessness. Why do we have all these problems? The Bible says the world is under a curse (Gen 3:17-19) and under the control of Satan (Lk 4:6). Hence Satan or any government of this world can never give us the real peace and happiness we desire. Real peace and happiness will come only from heaven, that is, from Jesus who came from heaven. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives" (Jn 14:27).
In Jesus and with Jesus we get real peace because Jesus is the prince of peace (cf Is 9:6). If you or your family and country forsake Satan, and his activities, and invite Jesus into your life, then you will have peace and you can give peace to others.
It is very difficult to love all the people and forgive our enemies, but when Jesus takes birth in our heart and mind, the Spirit of Jesus helps us to love all and forgive our enemies. Therefore, invite Jesus during this Christmas season and be filled with his Spirit so that you can forgive your enemies and be an instrument of peace and happiness as Mother Teresa of Calcutta was.
Examine yourself whether you live in peace with all. If not, be reconciled with those with whom you are not on good terms, before celebrating Christmas so that "peace on earth" may start from you and your family.

"Goodwill towards all men"

How can you bring goodwill towards all men? Jesus said, "Whatever you have done for the least of these poor brothers and sisters you have done to me" (Mt 25:31-46). Christmas is a time of giving gifts. What gifts and to whom? We can give the gift of love, joy, peace, happiness to those who do not have these gifts. The gift of forgiveness to our enemies, the gift of food, clothes, shelter and care to the poor who are in need. All these gifts will bring comfort to a person as long as lives in this world. However, do not forget to give the gift of salvation to the people who do not know Jesus. By bringing a person to Jesus by your action and preaching, you are showing the way of salvation to that person so that he will be in heaven after his death and not in hell! (cf Rev 7:910; Rev 20:14-15; Rev 21:8).
When Jesus was born there appeared in the sky a bright star (cf Mt 2:9-11) which showed the way to Jesus to the wise men from the East. They wanted to see Jesus, yet they did not know the way. The star directed them to Jesus. Today, millions of people in the world do not know the way of salvation, joy, peace, happiness and deliverance. Everyone of you can be a star in your own family, your neighbourhood, school, college and bring the people around you to Jesus so that they can receive the gift of joy, peace, happiness, deliverance, physical and inner healing and salvation. There were many stars in the sky but only one star was bright and different from all others. In the same way, try to be different and bright as the Lord wants you to be. We are in this world but not of this world.
A ship can sail in the sea but if the sea water enters the ship, the ship will sink into the deep sea. In the same way we can live in the world but if the sins of the world enter our life, our family, we will sink into hell. So be a star for Christ from this Christmas onwards.

Fr Augustine Vallooran v.c Christmas Links

"There are many around us who have no one to love or care for them and
who desperately need to hear the Comforting Message of His Love.
As Jesus did for us, let us all reach out to others in caring love.

Be the Love of Christmas 2009 to someone who is most in need!"

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mary Mackillop set to become Australia's first Catholic Saint

Australian Idol - Mary Mackillop of the Cross

Australia will have its first Roman Catholic saint after Pope Benedict approved a decree recognising a second miracle attributed to the intercession of Mother Mary MacKillop. 
Related Topics

    Read Mary Mackillop's Story

    Miracles of Mary Mackillop
    The first miracle, which led to the beatification of Mary MacKillop, was the cure of a woman of leukemia in 1961. In 1995 Pope John Paul beatified Mary MacKillop, earning her the title of Blessed (Mother) Mary.
    The second miracle is that an Australian woman has been cured of an inoperable lung cancer in 1993 through the intercession of saint-in-waiting Mary MacKillop.

    Mary MacKillop’s Foundational Beliefs

    Some of Mary's inspiring quotes
    Let us love and praise God in all. (1872)
    We feel our Crosses hard at times, but our courage should rise with them. (1882)

    Tomb of Mary Mackillop, North Sydney, Australia

    My name in religion is Mary of the Cross. No name could be dearer to me, so I must endeavour, not to deserve it – for I cannot – but at least I must try not to disgrace it. (1867)

    Josephite Spirituality Introduction

    Being Involved with the Josephites

    It is at the core of the Josephite way of life to be involved with the everyday issues of the ordinary people with whom they live. The willingness of the early Sisters and today’s Josephites to travel to where the need is and to live in the midst of those in need ensures their capacity to respond as required.

    Further reading

    Mother Mary Mackillop, pray for us, 
    pray for Australia, pray for the world

    God of love, we remember with joy the beatification of Blessed Mary MacKillop.
    We thank you for all who have followed in her footsteps and for the love and concern shown to other through them. We ask you to bless them and those they serve in the name of Jesus who is our Way, our Truth, and our Life.

    Saturday, December 12, 2009

    Eucharistic Miracle At Tabor Bhavan on 27 Aug 2007

    Miracle of the Eucharist at a catholic retreat centre
    For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there for ever; my eyes and my heart will be there for all time (2 Chronicles 7:16)

    At Tabor Bhavan, Raite Village,  
    Thane District, Maharashtra, India.
    From 27 August 2007 - 30 August 2007

    On 27th August 2007 in the presence of around 60 retreatants when Fr Joby was concelebrating Mass along with Fr Anto (a retreatant), during the Epiclesis (that part of the prayer of consecration of the Eucharistic elements (bread and wine) by which the priest invokes the Holy Spirit ) when Fr Joby invoked the the Holy Spirit,  he noticed many drops of water and blood on the altar cloth. He immediately announced to the retreatants that Jesus was pouring out His Blood and Water and continued with the Mass.

    Later he testified that the wine to had changed to real Blood and that when had sipped it at communion it smelt like blood and it was not flowing as easily as wine should normally flow. After sipping he found it sticky in his mouth, a sensation which lasted for quite sometime. Fr Anto too testified of a similar experience. (Only the two priests consumed the wine(Blood))
    The choir members who were near the altar too witnessed the droplets.At the end of the mass the retreatants came up to the altar and witnessed and took photographs on their mobile phones.  Nine of the retreatants testified that they had seen visions of Jesus sprinkling his blood and water on to the stage.

    Enclosed in a powerpoint presentation are some of the photographs (taken on mobile phones after the mass). Drops of blood continued to pour on on other days as well and some photographs have been taken on digital camera few days later.

    Download the Powerpoint Presentation here

    Friday, December 11, 2009

    A Witch-doctor Experiences Jesus

    "Do not turn to mediums or wizards;
    do not seek them out, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God"(Lev 19:31).
    George (Mohan Prasad)
    Personal Testimony, Vincentian Ashram, Ambathur - Chennai

    Personal testimony of Mohan Prasad, as recorded in the article of Vachanolsavam, a popular mission magazine, from Divine Retreat Centre, India.

    My name is George (Mohan Prasad). Born and bred in a Nair family, I was a well-known astrologer, witch-doctor, a life-member of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences and one who hated the Christian religion with all his heart.

    My life was filled with happiness! so I though till August 1994. When I was afflicted by a strange illness. It was as if a dark cloud overshadowed my life. A strange malady which showed no symptoms whatsoever, incapacitated me to such an extent that I could not walk any more. Though a witch-doctor by profession, I could not diagnose my illness or prescribe a remedy. I resorted to witch-craft four times with no effect. Ayurvedic, allopathic and unani treatment only prompted the doctors to declare I had no disease at all. But I was totally helpless, bed-ridden, unable even to stand without another's help. The whole body racked with pain. When my family, who depended on me, were grief - stricken, I lost my mental balance. A Christian friend, who visited me, advised me to go to the neighbouring St Antony's Church and pray. I went, supported by my wife. As I was praying, I heard a voice saying, "Weren't you told to go for prayer?" At once I remembered a friend's suggestion made long ago to go to Divine, Muringoor. In November '94 I participated in a retreat at Divine. All the pain in my body disappeared. But I was not ready to acknowledge and testify that Jesus was the healer. Thinking that Jesus was one of the gods, I thanked him as well as the others. But I realised that deep within me radical changes were taking place. I returned to my home in Madras. The puja room, in which the Hindu deities stood in a row, made me restless. I began removing the idols one by one. In their stead I installed Jesus Christ in my heart and in my home. After a fierce, terrific battle, my mind was in peace. On that day, my life found new meaning. Hope budded afresh in my family. A new chapter opened for me with the advent of Jesus Christ in my life and in my family. Though I took so long to come to know Jesus as the only Saviour and Lord, today we experience true Christian joy. Today it is Jesus and the Bible which control and direct all my activities.

    From Deuteronomy 4:19; 18:10-13; and Leviticus 19:31;20:27, I understood that witch -craft and astrology were wrong. I made a bonfire of all my books on these subjects. Today, I'm actively engaged in the ministry of the word in the Vincentian Ashram in Ambathur, Chennai. The tongue that revelled in the recital of mantras and sharnam calls, is now constantly praising and singing "Halleluia" with new vigour and enthusiasm. So is my life-filled with a new freshness.

    Let us join hands, standing shoulder to shoulder, and be deeply immersed in this great work of spiritual renewal. Let our country awake! Let our people awake! 

    May the true God be revealed! 
    May the Caretaker of heaven help us! 
    Praise you Jesus! Thank you Jesus ! Halleluia!

    Examination of Conscience

    THE DESIRES OF THE HEART - Fr Mathew Naikomparambil VC 

    God's devotee prays :
    "O Lord, who may abide in your tent? Who may dwell on your holy hill?" (Psalms 15:1)
    Reply :

    "Those who walk blamelessly, and do what is right, and speak the truth from their heart"(Ps 15:2).

    The desires of the heart

    Examine the impulses and movements of the heart. Foster the good and just desires. Reject all others. Give up everything that is not according to the word and example of Jesus Christ.


    1. Think only what is good.   2. Speak only the truth. 3. Love everyone.   4 Hate no one. 5. Praise God in every crisis; trust in him. 6. Thank God for everything. 7. Pray with thirst that the love of God and love of neighbour may fill us. 8. Pray every day to receive an infilling of the Holy Spirit. 9. Pray for all people all over the world. 10. Live, act and pray for these intentions: the glory of God, world evangelisation, the conversion of sinners. _________________________________________

    All the above - mentioned suggestions are the teachings of the Bible. God will give us sublime thoughts and pure desires. In order to receive divine inspirations and good thoughts, it is necessary always to preserve the heart in repentance, humility and holiness.
    The promises of Jesus

    "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"(Mt 5:3).   


    Do not depend on or delight in material gains, wealth or human abilities. 

    Trust in and depend on God, and God's promises.
    "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God"(Mt 5:8).  


    In a heart that banishes all selfish desires, the Holy Spirit will inspire and instil sublime and lofty desires. "Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord" (Rom 12:11).
    Examine the desires of the heart, purify them and make them pleasing to God. 

    He will then be glorified in us. Our life will become blessed.


    Praying through the Word of God
    "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting"(Ps 139:23,24).
    O Holy God, give me a share in your great holiness. Loving Father, through the merits of the crucifixion of your only Son, Jesus Christ, give me complete salvation. Wash away all my sins and their guilt with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Send forth your Holy Spirit and make me a new person. Bless me so that I may live for the glory of God and for the salvation of all men and for eternal life.