Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fr Xavier Khan and Miracle of Rosa Mystica

Weeping Mother Mary

In August 2006 a servant of God who came to Sehion Retreat Center for retreat presented a picture of our Lady of Rosa Mystica which shed Blood Tears, to Rev. Fr. Xavier khan Vattayil, the Director of Sehion. 

Moved by a Divine inspiration Fr. Xavier Khan arranged a bigger reprint of 6 feet height of the same picture and blessed it and placed the picture in a small shed at the entrance of the compound. 

He named it as Mariankoodaram, a chapel, dedicated to our Lady of Rosa Mystica, where a group of intercession team incessantly pray for the conversion of sinners and Evangelisation of the world from, dawn till late at night, by reciting the Holy Rosary.

Our Lady shed tears from 4th to 8th September 2006

This is one among the many intercession centers in the compound. Besides, Fr. Khan and Sehion team also used to pray before this picture whenever time permitted. It was from this picture that Our Lady shed tears from 4th to 8th September 2006.

As usual, on September 4th 2006 the member in charge of the intercession group entered the chapel for cleaning and arrangements. She approached the picture to touch and venerate and to their utter surprise she saw tears running down from the eyes of the picture. Immediately the news spread all around. Many of the Rev. Fathers and Rev. Sisters rushed to the spot all on a sudden and witnessed this miracle.

Holy Rosary recited day and night by Palakkad Diocese

Hearing this news people from every part of Palakkad Diocese and from other dioceses far and wide came to witness this and pray. His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Jacob Manathodath, who happened to be at Attappady on some official visit, also came to Mariankoodaram and prayed before the picture. 

Since this miracle many people have come over here and shared there grievances before this picture of Our Lady of Rosa Mistica and have experienced miraculous relief from than sicknesses and have obtained several blessings. 

Now Holy Rosaries are being recited day and night for the whole world. 

Another Miracle of Rosa Mystica from Kottayam, Kerala, India

This family was suffering from lot of diseases and other difficulties. Albin, a partially blind small boy was the first person to catch glimpse of this miracle.
In his total astonishment, he called his mother, a brain tumour patient to see this miracle. It was a view beyond their human imagination. Blood was pouring out from eyes of the picture of Rosa Mystica.

Albin was cured of braintumour - The partially blind boy and his mother who was suffering from brain tumour was cured after this incident. The smell of fragrance enveloped their whole house.

Hearing the news of this miracle, people came out in large numbers to their small house to see this miracle. In order to control the situation, the picture of Rosa Mystica (blood pouring) was taken to their Parish Church at Erumely for the public veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The family was gifted with another picture of Rosa Mystica for prayer by a priest . After few days, blood came out from the second picture of Rosa Mystica too. To avoid any controversies, the second picture of Rosa Mystica was also taken off from that family by the priest who gifted it to them.

Miracle Continues - Another picture of the Rosa Mystica was again given to them for prayers by the same priest. But the miracle continued in the third picture too. This brought faithful from all walks of life and distant places to the small house and the news went across the seas.

Hearing this miracle, a statue of Rosa Mystica was also gifted to them from Germany by one of the faithful. Soon the statue also became an instrument in the miracle. From the statue of Rosa Mystica also miracles started to happen in the form of oil,honey, and milk.

In the presence of hundreds of people - These miracles happened in the presence of hundreds of people and live video was also taken by persons who wants get a scientific opinion about these miracles. At present the picture and statue of Rosa Mystica are kept in the house itself for the benefit of the humble family and the faithful, but locked in a glass chamber by the priests in order to make sure that, it is out of any corruption and human touch.

Only priests are allowed to open the glass chambers to change the plates. But even today, the Miracle continues..... please watch the video link. Pictures and statues are just hand made things and we don't have to worship or venerate it. But Divine Power is showing its mighty presence in all objects and creatures to remind all of us to live in God's presence in our earthly life.

This miracle is interpreted as a call by the Blessed Virgin Mother to all her children (that means all human mankind) to come out from the bonds of sin and adore and worship Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Even though this miracle is only a symbol of God's power, May it helps us to open up our hearts to pour the divine grace to walk His Ways.

Virgin Mary Picture and Statue Seen Crying Tears Of Blood in Kerala

Blood pouring forth from Mother Mary's eyes (Rosa Mystica Picture). watch the video here.



  1. dear mom how much should u suffer for us even after getting into heaven

  2. oh our dear mother we will wipe your blood tears by change the life in god and praying Rosary.Ave maria

  3. Mother Mary. Please forgive my sins. I ask you humbly and sincerely Bless my life with a miracle now as i am in a terrible mess

  4. OH! Blessed Mother Of Christ,how i wished would have been there to wipe away your tears, but Iam not worthy for that Please Mother Mary take me in your arms and wipe away my tears and pray for the suffering and for this most sinner in this World(myself) and my Family and my Parents too.

  5. Blessed mother mary ...please help me to reach well in my career happily and tehrby support my small family

  6. Thank you Blessed Mother of God for by the sake of your tears and blood I pray that you give me spiritual ears to hear God speak to me and make my heart a perfect fit into Jesus's though I am a sinner snd fall deeply short. Amen

  7. Thank you Mary Mother of God. Please grant me, through your tears of blood, spiritual ears to hear God speak to me. Also make my heart a perfect fit into Jesus Christ's heart, even though I am a miserable sinner and I fall deeply short. Amen

  8. That's is really very nice post its all information is really great and useful.

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  9. Dear Mama Mary, Please forgive our sins, please pray for us to have faith and trust in Jesus Christ throughout generations, please take away all our worries and anxieties, and pray for our children's education and to grow in catholic faith, and to get a good catholic life partners in their life.We ask this in complete confidence through Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen

  10. Mother Mary we Love you. Promise to lead a life with the grace of Holy Spirit. Kindly Bless me and family to lead a holy life and in the grace of our Lord.

  11. Hail Mary Full of Grace. Please pray for us Mother virgin Mary!.

    I believe what I am today is due to Mother Mary's intercession and blessings !!

  12. Mother Mary please bless our lives with a miracle and wipe away our tears.
