Monday, February 14, 2011

The Ten Commandments - loving directions to attain the heavenly kingdom

Are they outdated?   

In the Gospel, Jesus says: If you love me, you will keep my commandments (John 14:15)

A great majority of people even Catholics, those who are by name only, think that the Ten Commandments are a thing of the past.

Some people think that the State should forbid to teach about the Ten Commandments. For many, the commandments are out of fashion because they are against our culture (the culture of death); while for others God’s commandments do not include all ten of them.

They take some of them out for their convenience in order to follow their own lifestyle. This is why many Catholics have left the Church to join other denominations, which do not talk about the commandments, sin, judgment or hell.

My dear people, the Ten Commandments are loving directions to attain the heavenly kingdom, where we can see God face to face, the Beatific vision. In the Gospel, Jesus says: If you love me, you will keep my commandments (John 14, 15). If we love God, we do our best to please Him.

These commandments tell us how to love God and our neighbors.

The first three commandments teach us
- how to love God,

The next seven teach us
- how to love our neighbors.

The Ten Commandments make it perfectly clear that we should not fall in love with:
  • idolatry, 
  • impiety, 
  • disobedience, 
  • sensuality, 
  • stealing, 
  • dishonesty, 
  • covetousness
So we need to follow the commandments to love God.

As our soon to be beattified Pope John Paul II has written:  
"the Ten Commandments save man from the destructive force of egoism, hatred and falsehood. They point out all false gods that draw him into slavery."


We pray for love

Lord Jesus, You taught us on the cross that love is above everything and you made me the object of your LOVE. 

We pray that Your love and the love of family and friends surrounds us always. May we never lack love in our lives. 

Whenever we need a kind word, a thoughtful deed or an act of love, may it be available to us, even from strangers. 

Help us love as You loved, Lord. 

With no selfishness, deceit, halfheartedness or unforgiveness, but with every fibre of ourselves. 

Let evil be destroyed by love. Amen.


- homily by Father Jose Maniyangat

- prayer by Father Augustine Valloran V.C

1 comment:

  1. I really like it when individuals get together and share views.

    Great site, keep it up!
