Saturday, April 9, 2011

Muslim Fatima Haneef - All my family accepted Jesus as our God

Testimony of Fatima Haneef
It is in November 2000 that I attended the course on Quran and Bible along with my father and brother in the desert of Abudahabi. All of us received the light of the Holy Spirit and accepted Jesus as our God. 

My father was addicted to drugs and various kinds of bad habits. My brother was taking alcohol and drugs which were forbidden by our religion Islam. There was never peace at our home. My mother was suffering from breast cancer. I had skin disease. 

As my mother had to look after the sheeps, she did not attend the classes but was prayed over by Fr. James Manjackal. She was totally healed of the breast cancer. When the doctor was wondering about her healing, boldly I told him that it is the prophet Jesus who healed her. 

After I was prayed over for the Holy Spirit I never had the skin disease. My greater happiness is that my father and brother stopped all bad habits and became very good people. Now we all follow Jesus as God by praying at home and reading the Bible.  

What a peace in the hearts and at home when Jesus comes in the lives! Daily I see Jesus as a living person to whom I can tell everything of my life. Even in small problems and difficulties he comes to console me and to comfort me. 

The other day, I had a severe stomach pain. All told me to go to see a doctor. I told my father to lay his hands on my stomach and to pray in the name of Jesus. By his prayer I was fully OK: 
Last week we lost three of our sheeps and were searching for them desperately. I told my mother to pray to Jesus, then He would bring them. We prayed and found the sheeps without any harm. 

I have no words to narrate the miracles we see daily in our lives ever since our friendship with Jesus. He alone is God. All praise and glory to Him alone.

Fatima Haneef  
United Arab Emirates - UAE

Click here to read Testimones of Muslims who accepted Jesus Christ as God
Click here to read Testimones of Hindus who accepted Jesus Christ as God 


  1. If only more in that region of the world could open their eyes and see Him. I pray for this daily. This was an amazing testimony.

    Be blessed,

  2. Hi dears all i am a muslim Boy i live in a islamic country i decided to change my religion and conver to jesus so any one who help me true please this is my mail

  3. Hi dears,, this is my second mail at here i seriously want to change my religion from islam to jesus here is anyone for helping me i live in islamic country you all understand about islamic countries how is difficult someone who is changing his islamic religion tanks.. my email

    1. Just say, Jesus save me, and he will manifest himself to you. He will never leave you or forsake you.

  4. Sohail you can come to India and be converted to Christianity without any fear.May the Lord Jesus bless you all. Praise be to Him.

  5. Dear brother Sohail Sadat, happy to know that you accept Jesus Christ as Your Saviour. You are already a christian because you have accepted Him.

  6. Dear Sohail,
    May Our Lord Jesus Christ through His most blessed and Holy Mother Mary,grant you all God's blessings,graces and strength to guide you and defend you from all evil enemies of God and your soul.May He the only ONE True GOD give you courage to be successful and persevere knowing Him, serving Him,loving Him,honoring Him,obeying Him and trusting Him,giving yourself totally to Him as Our Blessed Mother Mary did since She was conceived like Him without sin.I will pray for you and your family and also write to you gladly and you can write back with any question you might have,I will be most happy to help you in any way,I do understand your culture for many reasons that I will discuss with you via @mail.Stay strong...abandon yourself totally to Our Lord God's most Holy Will and all things will be done for the salvation of your soul and the conversion of many Muslim souls as well whom for my family and I daily pray for.Laudetur Iesus Christus In Aeternum,Amen! Means in English from the Latin:"Praised be Jesus Christ Eternally(Now and Forever),Amen!

  7. Dear Sohial how is your new faith,I am happy that you now know Jesus Christ and have accepted him as Lord and savior.May He lead you into we good land and make you convert more to Him. Jesus is Lord for ever,no man comes to the Father except through Jesus who is the way,the truth and the life.not even Mary can show you the way..focusing Jesus the only thing way to the Father..He is with you always...fear not.

  8. hi, sohail. u can practice Christianity here n the Philippines with no fearm God bless you! Merry Christmas!!
