Sunday, December 25, 2011

They shall see His face (Rev 22:4)

- By Fr James Manjackal (pronounced Man-ya-kal) M.S.F.S  

A photo of Fr. James (left) taken during his retreat of Catholic Renewal to the people of Koszalin, Poland from 4th November to 6th on the subject" This is Gods Will, your Sanctification"(1Thess 4:3).


Thus says the Lord, our God, “My children, when I look down on earth, I see a great famine of love. Because of an increase of sin, true and honest love has been lost from the hearts of many. Many people in their selfishness do know only sexual and erotic love and not the genuine love that I have taught through my Son Jesus. This is the reason that many marriages are ending up in separation and divorce. Because many people have no true love in their hearts, they fear to get married and they do not know to share love. Where there is fear there is no true love; real love takes away all fears. As a result the number of unmarried mothers is on increase!
Due to lack of love, the children of the divorcees and single mothers live broken lives in fear, depression, guilt, un-forgiveness, hatred, etc., and several of them are in compulsive bad habits like alcoholism, drugs, cigarettes and immorality. Not finding love in their hearts, being disappointed in life some commit suicide and other commit murder, even the worst murder of killing the helpless children in the mother’s womb by abortion. Because there is no love, war and terrorism are on increase. When there is no love, the society is sick and permissive.

Christmas is not merely a celebration of the past event of the birth of Jesus Christ, my Son; it should be a daily event in your lives my children. He emptied His equality with me in order to become a human being like anyone of you to express His love and solidarity to each one of you. If you are in sin, He comes now with His forgiving love to take away your sins and the consequences of them and to give you an absolute forgiveness and new life. If you are sick, He comes to you with His healing love to heal you from all your diseases and to restore you to health by His loving touch as He touched the blind, the deaf and the cripple and healed them. If you are under the bondage of Satan and darkness, His liberating love comes to set you free to lead you to the freedom of the children of God. Jesus my Son is alive today amidst you. When you pray and receive the sacraments in the Church He comes to you alive. He and I are one, and in Him you shall find my love.

It is my love for you, my children, that urges me to send my Son Jesus to you. He is love walking on earth, and He is thirsting for your love. Therefore, He is searching for you to find you, to forgive you, to heal you and to give you all what you need in your life. I know that you too have a thirst for His love, a love that a world cannot give. No human or worldly love can satisfy your thirst for love! If only you find Him and His love, your thirst for love would be quenched.

In your parents, life partner, children, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbours and all whom you meet in your lives you can see His thirst for your love; and when you love them with the love that goes beyond boundaries, a love that loves even your enemies and those who hate you, your life will be satisfied and enriched because then you are loving Jesus in them. Love is patient, love is kind, love is not jealous, love is not pompous, love is not inflated, love does not seek its own interest, love is not rude, love is not quick tempered, love does not brood over injury, love does not rejoice over wrong doing, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes all things, love endures all things and love never fails. Faith, hope and love remain, but of these three the greatest is love

When you have this love, true peace will abide in your souls and in the souls of all, and thus there shall be peace in the world. Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to those on whom His favour rest!

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