Tuesday, May 14, 2013


A life without the Holy Spirit:
Is empty and void in despair and sadness
Is vexed and tossed by temptations and enticements
Is weak and desperate in the flesh with sinful attachments
Is broken and wounded with anger and unforgiveness
Is in bondages of passing lust and passions
Is in darkness and blindness not knowing the right way
Is in perversity, licentiousness and immorality
Is a life crushed with pains and sickness
Is a life where God is a Distant Being
Is a life where Christ is only a historical past
Is a life where the Gospel and God's words are veiled
Is a life where laws and commandments are meaningless and coarse
Is a life where the Church is a mere secular institution
Is a life where prayer and liturgy are dead
Is a life where virtues and holiness is foolishness
Is a life where duties and responsibilities are burdensome
Is a life where ministries and missions are mere professions

Whereas a life with the Holy Spirit:

Is meaningful and worth living
Is challenging and vibrant
Is a life with Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us
Is a life in the Kingdom of God
Is a life where one is led in the Way, the Truth and Life
Is a life of peace, joy and consolation
Is a life of power and grace
Is a life of holiness according to God's will
Is a life of authenticity and truthfulness
Is a life in the Church the mother who cares
Is a life where authority and commandments become easy
Is a life where burdens become light and yokes easy
Is a life where prayer and sacraments become part and parcel of life
Is a life where one hears God's voice in the Holy Scriptures
Is a life where one finds answer to all his problems
Is a life where one finds the healing touch of the Divine Master
Is a life where one's soul burns with love for God and others
Is a life witnessing Jesus Christ always and everywhere
Is a life that brings the thirsty neighbours to the Living Water
Is a life burning out for Jesus and His Kingdom
Is a life that finds a seat in the eternal banquet. AMEN


Author : Fr. James Manjackal


Start praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit from 11th May until Pentecost on 19th May

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