Saturday, December 12, 2009

Eucharistic Miracle At Tabor Bhavan on 27 Aug 2007

Miracle of the Eucharist at a catholic retreat centre
For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there for ever; my eyes and my heart will be there for all time (2 Chronicles 7:16)

At Tabor Bhavan, Raite Village,  
Thane District, Maharashtra, India.
From 27 August 2007 - 30 August 2007

On 27th August 2007 in the presence of around 60 retreatants when Fr Joby was concelebrating Mass along with Fr Anto (a retreatant), during the Epiclesis (that part of the prayer of consecration of the Eucharistic elements (bread and wine) by which the priest invokes the Holy Spirit ) when Fr Joby invoked the the Holy Spirit,  he noticed many drops of water and blood on the altar cloth. He immediately announced to the retreatants that Jesus was pouring out His Blood and Water and continued with the Mass.

Later he testified that the wine to had changed to real Blood and that when had sipped it at communion it smelt like blood and it was not flowing as easily as wine should normally flow. After sipping he found it sticky in his mouth, a sensation which lasted for quite sometime. Fr Anto too testified of a similar experience. (Only the two priests consumed the wine(Blood))
The choir members who were near the altar too witnessed the droplets.At the end of the mass the retreatants came up to the altar and witnessed and took photographs on their mobile phones.  Nine of the retreatants testified that they had seen visions of Jesus sprinkling his blood and water on to the stage.

Enclosed in a powerpoint presentation are some of the photographs (taken on mobile phones after the mass). Drops of blood continued to pour on on other days as well and some photographs have been taken on digital camera few days later.

Download the Powerpoint Presentation here


  1. glory to you o lord of the universe

  2. This miracle is true.. it was a awesome experience for me coz i was on the stage with Fr. Jobi singing in the choir.. i remember we sang "Pour out your Spirit" for and chanting the name of JESUS Praise GOD loudly for more than 45min and then this miracle happen.. Missing Tabor always..

    Praise GOd for this FAITH Exp we all had there :)

  3. Thank you Jesus Praise you Jesus
    Glory to you O Lord King of Kings and Lord of Lords

  4. The bread and wine was meant for us all why did the priests take it only for themselves?

  5. Read Miracles in the Eucharist by Bob and Penny Lord

  6. Jesus I thank you for I know that you truly exist in the Eucharist and the conversion of the bread and wine to your body and blood takes place through the Holy spirit.All glory and honor are yours LORD.

  7. Glory be to God

    Thank you for sharing.


  9. I give glory to God to read about this, I believe you with no doubt, During the Holly Mass i always open my arms to pray for my needs, for that is my precious time ever to feel my Jesus, Sweet Jesus.You know what? He is my friend, yes i fill him in my heart sometimes when am praying,i feel the joy and sometimes i don't want to stop. One night i was praising and my husband stopped me claiming i was shouting for the neighbors but when i sat down i felt like Jesus talking to me, Betty will you glorify my Name? will you sing my Name, will you tell others about my Name. i just responded Jesus i will glorify your Name, i will sing your Name and i will tell others a bout your Name. Am still renting but when i build my own house, i will have a prayer room, with a picture of divine Mercy, and am planing to buy a car, i want my number plate to be SWEET JESUS, and the behind Mirror with A picture of Divine Mercy with a Word "Jesus i Trust in You". i feel i also want to put this word "Jesus i Love You". its so Sweet to love Jesus.
    The Eucharistic Miracle i have just read about has inspired me to honor the Holy Mass even more especially that time of the mass "--this is my body --Blood--". am just Grateful.

  10. Thank You Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit n Mamma Mary...Praise You, Worship n Adore You..Love You..

  11. Thank you for your presence manifestation in the Eucharist Lord. You love us so much u left us a memorial. Yes you are present in the Holy Eucharist... one day all knee will bow and every tongue will confess to the glory of God the father. Amen Hosana evermore. Yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forevermore.

    Your daughter
