Saturday, October 9, 2010

Muslim Iysha Beevi and whole family is baptized into catholic faith

Here is the testimony of Iysha Beevi, born and bred in the Islamic faith. When she received Jesus into her life as Lord and Saviour, her husband and three children were born again in the faith. It happened five years ago.

Illness and God's plan for Iysha Beevi
Twelve years ago, severe chest pain and ulcer in the intestines afflicted me badly. When the ulcer began festering, the pain became unbearable. Every possible type of treatment by medical experts did no good. Reduced to skin and bones, I was confined to the hospital bed. When I was found to be an incurable case I was discharged. Even my family members were tired of me and hated me.

Doctors give up hope  
The situation became worse when I was again admitted in the hospital. A slight movement in the throat was the only sign of life. The doctors lost hope and discharged me. I made a sign to my husband to take me to Potta Ashram. He agreed. The moment I made the decision, I regained my suppleness of body and agility.  

Divine Retreat Centre 
I arrived at Potta. God gave me the grace to accept Jesus as Lord. "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household" (Acts16:31). These words touched me. If so, I shall accept you as my Lord and God, I told him. It was in an ambulance that I had been taken to Potta for I had all but collapsed. But now I knelt down with those who had come to hear the word of God and praised him. The doctors had feared that all my life I would have to be sustained only on glucose drips. I could retain nothing. But now here I was eating the four slices of bread given at Potta, with no difficulty whatsoever.  

Lord gives me the gift of reading  
In the ensuing weeks I went to Potta to participate in the one-day prayer. Before my eyes there appeared words as on a TV screen. To me, an illiterate, uneducated woman, the Lord gave the great gift of reading the Bible and other publications on spiritual matters.

Lord reveals her "You shall not have any other God but me" 
In 1994 I went to Assissi Retreat House at Bharananganam for a couples' retreat. Vomiting and other signs of my illness became worse. My mouth was festering. I was being prepared for the touch of the divine hands of my Lord. I heard Jesus whispering, "You shall not have any other God but me". This experience happened on the third day of the retreat. The Great Healer was working in me. He healed me completely and let me know I was fully in his providential care. At that retreat centre I began eating all kinds of food.   

Baptism into the Catholic faith
On June 26, 1997, my husband, three children and I received Jesus into our hearts, our lives and home forever by receiving baptism. Thus were we able to proclaim to all the world with all our heart and with all our life that there is no Saviour but Jesus Christ. 

Zeal now guided to "The Way, The Truth and The Life"
My husband, a cooly and my school-going children, are zealously living in the love of Jesus. The Lord gave me the grace to give witness to his love and power at Potta and Divine. 

Mission for Jesus
I am now fully involved in the activities of the choir and other church organisations at Chunangamvaley in Ernakulam district. To be an instrument in God's hands, guiding numerous people to retreat centres, has made my life rich and beautiful and happy. 

Praise you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! 

Lydia (Iysha Beevi P V)
Peedikaparambil, Keezhmadu,
Alwaye, Kerala, India

Also read this amazing testimony of Ahmed who became a catholic

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