Saturday, March 19, 2011

From non believer to a WONDER WORKER of JESUS CHRIST - Fr Jack Soulsby S.M

Fr Jack Soulsby S.M (now a member of the Society of Mary), a former (Civil Engineer and a non-believer) writes:

"Following 27 years of Love & Good Example from Parents, Family, Friends & Others, This is the passage that DRAMATICALLY changed MY LIFE back in 1958"

"Differing from all these (pagan & socialist attitudes), the Christian sees in a man & above all, in man's immortal soul, incomparably the most precious thing on earth, & the one for whose good all other things on earth living & inanimate are ordained.

Stamped with the image of the Godhead,
Redeemed by the precious blood of the Son of God,
Predestined to an eternal life of intimate union with God
Clothed with sanctifying grace which makes man a sharer in God's nature 
& heir to God's Kingdom the human soul gives to man a place of dignity in the created universe with which NOTHING material can compare. 

This dignity, which gives him a worth which is almost DIVINE,
belongs inseparably to every human individual
of both sexes and every age and every country and race.

As a natural attribute of his spiritual soul, man enjoys freedom of will,
which makes him master of his own actions,
and personally responsible for the attaining of his own end.

From man's NATURE & especially from his eternal destiny &
the freedom of his will, spring the great prerogatives which are inherent in human individual, giving him his dignity and essential independence, & forbidding that he be ever made a mere instrument for promoting another's good.

Man is a PERSON!*

He has RIGHTS (to his good name, to education, to marry, to private property, & so on... all independently of & prior to any legislation) & the DUTIES to respect similar rights in others
" **

Fr Jack has been working full time in spiritual renewal & evangelisation in both Catholic & Ecumenical circles since 1980 and has ministered in 90 nations in the Americas, Europe , Africa , Asia , and the Pacific.

 He has:

held healing services for lepers in Sudan,

redeemed Sudanese slaves

ministered to Mozambican refugees in Malawi,

preached at open air crusades in Nigeria and Ghana,

conducted Life in the Spirit Seminar in Singapore

helped the orphans in Uganda

  • taken groups of Australians to large ecumenical renewal conferences in USA, 
  • led pilgrimages to Europe, the Holy Land and " In the footsteps of St.Paul",
  • embarked on an " Aids safari " in Uganda,
  • Liberian refugees in Sierra Leone,
  • Sudanese war victims in Kenya, and to genocide victims in Rwanda,
  • trained evangelists in a number of nations, and
  • introduced or encouraged renewal in such nations as Namibia , Botswana , Ethiopia, Uganda , Marshall Islands , etc and
  • most recently in Nepal , the Philippines, Malaysia , Pakistan , Belarus , and East Timor , some of these with Mrs Jan Heath.

FR. Jack's MINISTRY offers :

(a)Basic renewal in the Spirit for beginners
(b)Spiritual growth & helps to spread the good news of God's Love for the more mature
(c) Help on how to train would be evangelists and
(d)Rallies and Crusades to reach out to the lapsed and those not yet Christian

Given the choice , Fr.Jack has a preference to work with those who are physically and spiritually poor , displaced people , refugees , slaves , aids and war victims, and those who are " like sheep without a shepherd ."

Fr.Jack's greatest desire is, through Baptism in the spirit & gift clinics, to see the average person discover and use all their gifts , ministries and fruits of the Spirit , for the delight and glory of God, for their personal joy, and to have maximum effect on the people they love, their neighbourhood and nation.

You may consider sending donations directly to:
Fr. Jack Soulsby
8 / 180 Butterfield St.
Herston 4006 AUSTRALIA

 Tel : +61 (7) 32522180
 Fax : +61 (7) 32522190
 E-Mail :

*  The most precious reality in the whole of existence! There are THREE of them in the Most Holy Trinity!!!!!!!

** "The Framework of a Christian State" (An introduction to Social Science) by Rev E Cahill S.J Publ: M.H.Gill & Son, Ltd. Dublin. 1932. p280

My Personal Testimony about Fr Jack Soulsby:

I have personally attended Fr Jack's (Life in the Spirit Seminar) on two occasions and I have experienced infilling of the Holy Spirit. He is gifted with the extra-ordinary gifts of Holy Spirit.

What does it mean to be filled with Holy Spirit ?

As per the sacred scripture, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). It is when we are filled with the Holy Spirit that we become powerful. Then we will have the grace to give witness to Jesus and lead others to him.

God “gives the Spirit without measure” (John 3:34). He gives the Spirit in the measure a person wants.

Prophet Isaiah reminds us: “The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth” (Is 11:2-4).
Prophet Ezekiel also reveals how we are going to be sanctified when the Holy Spirit is filled in us: “I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you” (Eze 36:25-27)

I strongly recommend everyone to invite Fr Jack Soulsby S.M to conduct a Life in the Spirit Seminar - anywhere across the GLOBE.

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