Saturday, March 19, 2022

ICON of MARY in MOSCOW, RUSSIA - Bleeding?


The Bleeding Icon of the Virgin Mary, Our Most Pure and Gracious Lady the Theotokos - Cathedral of the Russian Military Forces.

As innocent civilians bleed to death, our Mother Mary's icon is bleeding. Immediate Question is not HOW? - But the question is WHY?

Please Share.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Our Lady of Hrushiv, Ukraine & Message (Conditional) on WORLD WAR 3

 For Discernment and Preparation (Spiritual, Physical)

WORLD WAR 3 - PROPHECY - Our Lady of Hrushiv - UKRAINE Seventy-three years after the 1914 apparition, the Mother of God once again appeared at Hrushiv. On April 26, 1987 – exactly one year after the Chernobyl disaster — a bright light covered the church of the Holy Trinity in Hrushiv, and the Virgin Mary appeared over the cupola. A television program even recorded part of this light phenomenon. 
Soon hundreds, then thousands came from all over the USSR to view these apparitions which continued every day until August 15. It is estimated that over 500,000 witnessed these apparitions until they ended. The Soviet militia and KGB could not even begin to control the crowds. 
The message was a sequel to the earlier one: “I have come on purpose to thank the Ukrainian people because you have suffered most for the Church of Christ in the last 70 years. I have come to comfort you and to tell you that your suffering will soon come to an end. Ukraine will become an independent state.” And once again, the Holy Mother warned of the dangers coming from Russia and asked people to pray for that country. 
“Oppression and wars continue to occupy the minds and hearts of many people. Russia, despite everything, continues to deny my Son. Russia rejects real life and continues to live in darkness. If there is not a return to Christianity in Russia, there will be a Third World War; the whole world will face ruin.”
Please watch & share.

God Bless Everyone

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Pathiraj Yadav's Supernatural Testimony to Christ - a hindu brother turns to Jesus

Summary of events leading to Christ (English summary translation of Hindi Video)

This video is in hindi. 🔥PathiRaj Yadav's Supernatural Testimony to Christ - a hindu brother turns to Jesus - YouTube

1. Brief summary of Brother PathiRaj Yadav (Pronounced as Pa-thi-RAJ Yaa-Dav)
2. PathiRaj Yadav comes from north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Born in a family of Hindus, raised as a devout hindu.
3. He suffered from an excruciating backache, consumed heavy doses of pain-killers and medicines but pain would not leave him.
3. A Christian friend, requested him to visit a Catholic Charismatic Retreat Center - Tabor Ashram ( located in Kalyan, Maharashtra, India. 2 hours drive from Mumbai.
4. Very reluctantly Pathiraj decided to visit this prayer center on a Friday.
5. During the break of the retreat/prayer session, he was curious about a long queue awaiting before a crucifix.

6. He decided to go near the crucifix and asked the statue his question.
7. He asked - to the statue - If you are real, then please heal my back. To his absolute amazement and surprise, the statue of Jesus Crucified, spoke back to him and answered him, that he will heal Pathiraj.
8. Jesus healed him and series of miraculous events started occuring in Yadav's life.
9. After progressive search and seeking about Lord Jesus, Pathiraj received baptism into the Catholic Church
10. He witnesses his supernatural faith in Jesus and has recorded amazing fruit in the evangelisation ministry.

11. Please pray, please share.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

What Our Lady in Medjugorje said about fasting

Messages of Our Lady in Medjugorje about fasting

Facts about fasting brought to light in Medjugorje by Our Lady

7/21/82 pgs. 130-131

2. Fasting can suspend the laws of nature.* 7/21/82 pgs. 130-131

3. Fasting reduces punishments from God.* 11/16/82 pg. 136

4. Fasting is an “arm,” a weapon of significant power to defeat, of which atomic power does not compare. Atomic power has not strength to conquer Satan.* 6/25/92 pg. 193

5. Bread and water is the best fast.* 7/21/82 pg. 130-131

6. Fasting, to be powerful, must be done with the heart. *9/20/84 pg. 209

7. Through fasting, the whole plan of Our Lady, that God himself planned for the world’s salvation during this special time, will be achieved. *9/26/85 pg. 222

8. By giving our fasting to Our Lady, it “forces” Satan not to be able to seduce us to evil and drives him away. *9/4/85 pg. 235

9. Fasting purifies our hearts from the sins of our past. (Through Confession, sins of the past are forgiven, but healing from life-long vice or memories that Satan uses against us to lead us back into sin, requires purification). *12/4/86 pg. 239

10. Fasting, coupled with prayer WILL obtain EVERYTHING you ask for (the exception would be something illicit).* 10/29/83 pgs. 348-349

11. Fasting sanctifies you to receive the Holy Spirit. *11/4/83 pg. 349

12. Humility is a fruit from fasting, when coupled with prayer.* 2/10/84 pg. 366

13. The present fasting in the Church is not adequate. Our Lady desires this to change. She said fasting has been forgotten in the last quarter of this century in the Catholic Church. *5/84 pg. 375

14. Fasting is one element that keeps Satan from conquering us. Faith and prayer are the other two. *11/16/81 pg. 114.

We, in turn, are to conquer Satan. The arms to do so are fasting coupled with prayer.* 6/25/92 pg. 193

15. Satan is enraged against those who fast and convert. *6/16/83 pg. 343

16. Fasting for the sick can cure them along with faith and prayer. *11/26/81 pg. 115

17. Fasting, along with prayer, was offered as a remedy by Our Lady to stop arguments from the Holy Priesthood.* 1/21/82 pg. 121

18. Fasting will bring the Kingdom of God among us.* 3/14/84 pg. 153

19. Fasting makes Our Lady happy.* 8/5/84 pg. 157

20. Fasting will make prayer more vigorous. *1/25/84 pg. 363

21. Our Lady will make the maximum good come from our fast. She wants us to give our fast to her in which she “disposes of them “according to the will of God. *9/24/82 pgs. 134-135

22. Fasting, coupled with prayer, especially community prayer, will protect you from Satan’s aggression in destroying marriages, creating division among priests and will crush him in his plans for obsessions and murders in society today of which Our Lady says he is responsible. *12/26/82 pg. 139

23. To obtain a grace from God, it is best you let no one know you are fasting. *1/28/87 pgs. 180-181

24. We are to fast out of gratitude. *9/20/84 pg. 209

25. Fasting is to be encouraged in others.* 2/22/88 pg. 286

26. Our Lady tells us to fast to prepare for the coming of Jesus. *11/25/96


*(Page numbers are given from the book Words from Heaven, Messages of Our Lady from Medjugorje, the 7th edition, if you wish to read the whole message.

 It is the most authoritative book on the messages of Medjugorje. (From “Fasting” booklet published by Caritas, Birmingham, AL.)