Thursday, August 6, 2009

Life After Death Experience of a Catholic Priest

Brief Background of Fr Jose 
I was born on July 16, 1949 in Kerala, India to my parents, Joseph and Theresa Maniyangat. I am the eldest of seven children: Jose, Mary, Theresa, Lissama, Zachariah, Valsa and Tom.
At the age of fourteen, I entered St. Mary’s minor seminary in Thiruvalla to begin my studies for the priesthood. Four years later I went to St. Joseph’s Pontifical Major Seminary in Alwaye, Kerala to continue my priestly formation. After completing the seven years of Philosophy and Theology I was ordained a priest on January 1, 1975 to serve as a missionary at the Diocese of Thiruvalla.
In 1978 while teaching at the St. Thomas minor seminary in Bathery, I became an active member of the Charismatic Renewal movement and began conducting charismatic retreats and conferences in Kerala.

Angel appears at the moment of Death
On Sunday April 14, 1985, the Feast of the Divine Mercy, I was going to celebrate Mass at a mission church in the north part of Kerala, and I had a fatal accident. I was riding a motorcycle when I was hit head-on by a jeep driven by a man who was intoxicated after a Hindu festival. I was rushed to a hospital about 35 miles away. On the way my soul came out from my body and I experienced death. Immediately I met my Guardian angel. I saw my body and the people who were carrying me to the hospital. I heard them crying and praying for me. At this time my angel told me: “I am going to take you to Heaven, the Lord wants to meet you and talk with you”. He also said that on the way he wanted to show me hell and purgatory.

Visit to Hell
First, the angel escorted me to hell. It was an awful sight! I saw Satan and the devils, an unquenchable fire of about 2,000 Fahrenheit degrees, worms crawling, people screaming and fighting, others being tortured by demons. The angel told me that all these sufferings were due to unrepented mortal sins. Then, I understood that there are seven degrees of suffering or levels according to the number and kinds of mortal sins committed in their earthly lives. The souls looked very ugly, cruel and horrific. It was a fearful experience. I saw people whom I knew but I am not allowed to reveal their identities. The sins that convicted them were mainly abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, hatefulness, unforgiveness and sacrilege. The angel told me that if they had repented they would have avoided hell and gone instead to purgatory. I also understood that some people who repent from these sins might be purified on earth through their sufferings. This way they can avoid purgatory and go straight to heaven.
I was surprised when I saw in hell even Priests and Bishops, some of whom I never expected to see. Many of them were there because they had misled the people with false teaching and bad example.

Visit to Purgatory
After the visit to hell, my Guardian angel escorted me to Purgatory. Here too, there are seven degrees of suffering and unquenchable fire. But it is far less intense than hell and there was neither quarreling nor fighting. The main suffering of these souls is their separation from God. Some of those who are in Purgatory committed numerous mortal sins; but they were reconciled with God before their death. Even though these souls are suffering, they enjoy peace and the knowledge that one day they will see God face to face.

Communication with souls in Purgatory
I had a chance to communicate with the souls in Purgatory. They asked me to pray for them and to tell the people to pray for them as well, so they can go to heaven quickly. When we pray for these souls we will receive their gratitude through their prayers and once they enter heaven their prayers become even more meritorious.
It is difficult for me to describe how beautiful my Guardian angel is. He is radiant and bright. He is my constant companion and helps me in all my ministries, especially my healing ministry. I experience his presence everywhere I go and I am grateful for his protection in my daily life.

Visit to Heaven
Next, my angel escorted me to heaven passing through a big dazzling white tunnel. I never experienced this much peace and joy in my life. Then immediately the heaven opened up and I heard the most delightful music, which I never heard before. The angels were singing and praising God. I saw all the saints, especially the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, and many dedicated holy Bishops and Priests who were shining like stars. And when I appeared before the Lord, Jesus told me: “I want you to go back to the world. In your second life you will be an instrument of peace and healing to my people. You will walk in a foreign land and you will speak in a foreign tongue. Everything is possible for you with my grace”. After these words, the Blessed Mother told me: “Do whatever He tells you. I will help you in your ministries”.

Words can not express the beauty of heaven. There we find so much peace and happiness, which exceed a million times our imagination. Our Lord is far more beautiful than any image can convey. His face is radiant and luminous and more beautiful than a thousand rising suns. The pictures we see in the world are only a shadow of His magnificence. The Blessed Mother was next to Jesus; she was so beautiful and radiant. None of the images we see in this world can compare with her real beauty. Heaven is our real home, we are all created to reach heaven and enjoy God forever. Then, I came back to the world with my angel.

Back to Earth
While my body was at the hospital, the doctor completed all examinations and I was pronounced dead. The cause of death was bleeding. My family was notified and since they were far away, the hospital staff decided to move my dead body to the morgue. Because the hospital did not have air conditioners they were concerned that the body would decompose quickly. As they were moving my dead body to the morgue, my soul came back to the body. I felt an excruciating pain because of so many wounds and broken bones. I began to scream and then the people became frightened and ran away screaming. One of them approached the doctor and said: “the dead body is screaming”. The doctor came to examine the body and found that I was alive. So he said: “Father is alive, it is a miracle, take him back to the hospital”.

Now, back at the hospital, they gave me blood transfusions and I was taken to surgery to repair the broken bones. They worked on my lower jaw, ribs, pelvic bone, wrists, and right leg. After two months, I was released from the hospital, but my orthopedic doctor said that I would never walk again. I then said to him: “ the Lord who gave me my life back and sent me back to the world will heal me”. Once at home we were all praying for a miracle. Still after a month and with the casts removed I was not able to move. But one day while praying I felt an extraordinary pain in my pelvic area. After a short while the pain disappeared completely and I heard a voice saying: “You are healed. Get up and walk”. I felt the peace and healing power on my body. I immediately got up and walked. I praised and thanked God for the miracle.

Conversion of the Doctor
I reached my doctor with the news of my healing and he was amazed. He said: “your God is the true God. I must follow your God”. The doctor was Hindu and he asked me to teach him about our Church. After studying the faith, I baptized him and he became Catholic.
Following the message from my Guardian angel, I came to the United States on November 10, 1986 as a missionary Priest. First, I worked in the Diocese of Boise, Idaho from 1987 to 1989 and then became the Director of Prison Ministry in the Diocese of Orlando, Florida from 1989 to 1992.

Mission assigned by Jesus
In 1992, I came to the Diocese of St. Augustine where I was first assigned to St. Matthew's Parish in Jacksonville for two years. I was then appointed Parochial Vicar of Assumption Church from 1994 to 1999. In 1997 I was incardinated as a permanent member of the Diocese. Since June 1999, I have been pastor of St. Mary's Mother of Mercy Catholic Church in Macclenny, Florida. I also serve as the Catholic Chaplain for Florida State Prison in Starke, Union Correctional Institution in Raiford and Northeast Florida State Hospital in Macclenny. I am also the Diocesan Spiritual Director of the Legion of Mary.
On the first Saturday of each month I conduct a Eucharistic and charismatic-healing ministry in my Parish, St. Mary Mother of Mercy. People come from all over the diocese, many parts of Florida and even from out of the state. I have been invited to conduct the healing ministry in other major cities of the United States including: New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, San Jose, Dallas, Chicago, Birmingham, Denver, Boise, Idaho Falls, Hawaii, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Poolsville; and many other countries: Ireland, Spain, Czech Republic, India, France, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Cayman Island, and Ontario.

Eucharistic-healing ministry
Through this Eucharistic-healing ministry I have seen many people healed physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. People with various illnesses such as: cancer, AIDs, arthritis, heart conditions, eye problems, emphysema, asthma, back pains, bad hearing and many others have been healed completely. In addition, several times during the year I conduct a special healing service for the healing of the family tree, in which the effects from ancestral sins are blocked and the person receives complete healing. Scripture says that the effects from family sins can linger around for three to five generations (Exodus Chapter 34 verse 7). So, in many cases we need generational healing.

Doctors and medicines do not help to heal certain sicknesses caused by our family tree.
During the Healing ministry, many people rest in the spirit before the Blessed Sacrament and some experience renewal of the soul and healing of the body.


Website address of Fr Jose -

Healings and prayers answered -

Effective Friday, July 1st 2011 Rev. Father Jose Maniyangat will be transferred to St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
St.Catherine's Catholic Church   
1649 Kingsley Avenue, Orange Park, Florida 32073 
Church Office (904) 264-0577

Father Jose email :


  1. a miracle indeed!!
    sometimes I forget to have faith in God..
    But we should have faith in god at all times......
    god bless us all!!!

  2. Father, your testimony is beautiful to read. You are a special gift from God to His Church and we are so very grateful for you and all of our Priests.
    Of your generousity, please pray for my youngest sister, Anne, who has lost the faith and is enmeshed in mortal sin/contraception. Blessings to you for your fidelity to Christ and His Church, Joseph.

  3. Glad to have you in the U.S.

  4. Father please pray for me, a sinner.

  5. father plez pray for me a sinner...

    I look forward to receive a mail from you...

    thank you jesus... I trust in thee..

  6. Pls pray for Tommy his marriage broken,father Jose pls pray for him to restore everything soon through grace of god

  7. Father your experience helps those that are seaarching. i am a catholic and have recently struggled with my faith, but am now back on track. however, I am fearful that I will lsoe my way again and worry about my daughters, husband and otehr family memers who have turned away from the Church. please pray for us all that Gods grace will be poured over us and we will be healed and rstored to a life in Christ. God bless you father and thank you.

  8. Helena
    Thank you Father , for your obedience to our Father God . Your testimony in the US and to the rest of the world is timely to counteract satan's deception that hell does not exist and he is a figment of lively imagination !The battle is on and Mother Mary's Army fighting for the honour and glory of Her Son and our Father's Kingdom is near to victory ! Glory be to The Father and to The Son and to The Holy Spirit ! Amen ! Amen!

  9. Father:
    May the Lord bless you, please pray for me, my friends, and the whole Universal Church, all God's people, pray for the grace of final perseverance and holy death, the conversion of my family, and return to the faith. May we have peace. I am losing my hearing, please ask the Lord for His blessings on us, and healing.Thank you, and Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph., and all the Saints who intercede for us. Amen

  10. FATHER, i am very blessed to read your article, which is your true life. God gave me a chance, maybe the last one, that is to read your writings for a transition. i have had mental disturbances since childhood and many confusions regarding life. i got the answer for all the difficult questions i had in mind. i will never argue with anyone to prove the existence of God, heaven and hell, instead i will prove it thru my prayers. pls pray for me and heal me. i am a keralite and i wish i cud meet you someday. Praise the lord.

  11. Praise God! Was watching Mass on EWTN & Fr. Joseph Mary gave his homile on Fr. Jose, I was in awe of this beautiful story. I'm suffering with unbearable pain from arthritis in my arms, leg & spine & have been offering up all for the souls in purgatory. Thank you for your beautiful life story, I will keep you in prayer, in your kindness will you please also remember me. Gratefully, Theresa Renner

  12. I watched EWTN Mass today & heard Fr. Josehp Mary speak about your life. Praise God!! I'm suffering from severe pain from arthritis in my arms, leg & spine; have been offering all for the souls in purgatory. I will keep you in prayer; please remember me also.
    Thanks for sharing all with us.

  13. Where do I find informtion on genertional healing Mass in Pennsylvania or Maryland?
    Thank you for any assistance.

  14. Father please pray for us!!!

    i wish someday i will meet u

    continue helping saving more souls

    God bless you!!!

    In Christ;
    Ulysses Manuel
    my email :

  15. Father and everyone whoever reads this comment,

    I am an educated unemployed youth,please pray for me to get a good job and to live good catholic life

  16. Father, I too have met a demon which God gifted to me when I was beginning to convert. Unfortunately, I have committed worse sins after the fact than I committed before the fact, due to the underlying fact that I know Hell exists and I am the weakest of all Catholics. For, as Jesus stated, "And that servant, who knew the will of his lord and prepared not himself and did not according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

    12:48. But he that knew not and did things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more."

    Please pray for me, for there is no love in my wretched heart, but only disgust for the people and circumstances of this passing world.

    1. I understand your plight
      I, tpo have suffered with this. Please refer to Mathew 44 - 48.
      Let the peace of God shine on you and through you so that YOU may be a light in the darkness! Trust GOD, for he sees and sufferes FOR us!

  17. I just stumbled upon this site, but, as I don't have alot of time, I can't find a way to contact whoever runs this site or blog. In fact, I'm so computer illiterate, I'm not sure what a blog is! Lol. I wanted to ask Father Jose a question, as I am a stuanch Catholic, myself. Can anyone direct me as to how to do that? Thanks

  18. I am 20 years of age and most of the times i do not find meaning in my life.At the age of 12-15 I was devout in my prayers and I felt a close connection with God but now at my present age I feel lost.I rarely Pray and I don't go to church often because I don't get anything.I'm a catholic by baptism but anglican by confirmation.Please someone guide me I long again for what I previously had.Thank you in advance

  19. Mila Rustia, Manila, PhilippinesJune 28, 2011 at 6:43 AM

    Dear Fr. Jose,
    I was deeply touched by this divine privilege and your profound commitment to the healing ministry. Learning that you are a Spiritual Director of the Legion of Mary made me stop to read this article for a while to give way to a surge of tearful outbursts. It made me realize that i did right when i sought the Legion of Mary once again. Taking refuge in our Blessed Mother, after the "spiritual death" we sometimes go through, help strengthen our resolve to resurrect ourselves and continue this life's calling.

    May we be comforted by the thought that we are counted as Mother Mary's earthly soldiers!

    In Jesus through Mary,
    Mila Rustia
    Manila, Philippines

  20. Dear Father,

    I am also a Catholic from Kerala,India.We miss your service in Kerala,but our prayers are always with you....


  21. I Have no problem with anything here except, that purgatory is fabricated only by the catholics, Jesus talked about Hell and Heaven but never mentioned any place like the purgatory. It is simply not Biblical,if there is salvation by the blood of Jesus, and by His sacrifice only not by good works, than why would God want anybody to suffer for a while in fire????
    The Bible verses which Chatolics use for a support of purgatory are misinterpreted, there is salvation and justification by faith and faith only in what Jesus did on the cross for us, and sanctification happens during our walk with Christ. If someone accept Christ, and repent his sins on the deathbed he will still directly enter heaven without suffering, for Jesus already suffered for all of our sins.
    We woņ't be holier by burning for a while in some fire. does not make sense at all nobody becomes better by physical torture, anybody can be perfected only in the life on earth by the Holy Spirit, no other way.

  22. always remember guys god dosent do magic..u cant sit back n say ive lost my faith..ivedont pray or domt go to church.. jesus knocks the door of your heart ..but if u lock it from inside he cant open that for u..u have to call on the lord and ask him to help u..all who got healed by the lord as the bible says called on his name..jesus son of mary son of david heal me..tell him that u r week feeble...but u want him to save you...he will surely do it ...guys give wht little u have ike the boy who gave fish n few loves of bread and jesus multiplied it ..dont loose your soul to satan...dont give up ...fall..drag do any thing but follow jesus ..cse he is the only one who will take u to heven ,,,praise jesus losrd and saviour

  23. Dear Father Jose,
    Father I really need your prayer to please through your prayer heal my sister who is very ill tonight. She is in Cebu Philippines.She just got out from the hospital and today is the worst news heard that she can't walk and she's so hot to touch. Father I lose my brother 2 years ago and I can't afford to lose another one. Please help my sister. She's my only sister even though we don't agree much it doesn't mean I don't love my sister. Please Father Jose please ask God to heal her and give her another chance I'm begging you Father Jose through you our prayer will be heard. Please Father Jose Please.My sister Lorecel Rayla needed your help tonight,tomorrow and always please Father please. Answer our prayers please.

  24. Father, please pray for my Mom, she has ovarian cancer for the second time. She just had surgery and now is undergoing chemotherapy. May God grant peace and healing to all that suffer from any kind of disease or illness...

  25. Fr. Jose,
    Pls pray for our family. we've had a very tough year 2011. My father had cancer and doctor says he's healed but he has gone into depression which nobody can comprehend. my sister has arthritis and has had very painful pregnancy my little daughter is usually in and out of hospital due to a chest brother is really struggling to make ends meet. pray for us to have God's grace and direction on these situation

  26. Dear Father,
    I am a student in the seminary of St Augustine Beirut-Lebanon. I was having second thoughts about my vocation, but your testimony reminded me that earth is not our home but heaven is calling us. I hope to hear from you soon, I would like to create a permanent contact with you and invite you to visit us in Beirut.

  27. Father,i would love to have u pray for my familys healing and for me,im in a wheelchair paralized from givin a ms drug when i really had lyme disease,my name is nancy and i pray every day for a healing!god bless u and everyone that suffers!

  28. Father Jose Maniyangat's Near Death Experience account raises some questions for me. He says that his doctor proclaimed him dead and that he returned to life while his body was in the morgue. However, a person needs to be revived within four minutes of death, or irreversible brain death sets in, although Jesus Christ did raise Lazarus from the dead after he had been in the tomb for four days.

    Father Maniyangat also claims that one of the sins which convicted people to hell was unforgiveness. Yet in Revelation 6:9-11, the souls of those who had been slain for the Christian faith are in heaven, yet still crying out to God to avenge their blood on those who were responsible for their death. Rather than being condemned to Hell, they are instead comforted by God's angels.

    Father Maniyangat also says that he heals the family tree, because according to Exodus 34:7 the effects from family sins can linger for three to five generations. Nevertheless, the Prophet Ezekiel says in Ezekiel 18:20 that the father will not suffer for the sins of his son, and that the son will not suffer for the sins of his father.

    I wonder who Father Maniyangat really saw in his Near Death Experience, claiming that he was led by an angel of God. Did not Saint Paul say in II Corinthians 11:14 that even Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. In Revelation 13:13 and Revelation 13:15 it is said that The False Prophet, who works for the Devil and the Antichrist, can also work miracles.

    Father Maniyangat says that one of the sins that condemns people to hell is homosexuality, yet I have read on the Internet accounts of homosexuals who have had near death experiences where they have not been condemned to hell, but rather received God's love and understanding.

  29. Father Jose Maniyangat claims to have been to purgatory in his near death experience. Interestingly, many other people who also have had a near death experience have claimed to have undergone a purgatorial-like life review, where they relive every moment of their life and get to feel what it was like to be on the receiving end of their actions and words, including those that cause others emotional and/or physical pain. Therefore, while we are still alive, we should be very careful what we do and say to other people.

  30. father please come to my country Ghana in West Africa on the Africa continent and save my soul

  31. A beautiful testimony. No wonder Our Lord carefully handpicked Father to testify to us via internet. I pray that all who write to this site and all who are unable to do so will be bless by Our Lord. Lord Jesus forgive all your children around the world, give us Peace and security. Bless all who are ill, facing problems in the family, jobless men and women, those who cannot control their addiction and also those who remain in sin. Bring them all close to You dear Jesus. Amen.

  32. Inspiring Article very Well Written ! God Bless You !

  33. Dear Father,

    We need your prayers..I had a affair with a close friend and my wife has undergone a sterilization after our second sons birth. We hope the lord forgives us..

  34. its a awesome testimony... this will change many lives.
    Father when you came to India.. Please came to JEEVAN DHAM, House no. 696, Sector-22, Faridabad, HARYANA.
    This place is called LAND OF MIRACLE.
    It is my whole hearted request.

  35. Father, i am a sinner,i have sin a lot in my life and i still do; please i ask you to pray for me and my family so we can be restore in the grace of God. Please help quit my temptations in the name of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary. You are the chosen one of God. Thank you God to give us the Father to pray for our sins.

    January 31, 2013 at 11.43 am

  36. Father, what a marvellous story!God is great! Please pray for someone special to me who needs to take an important decision soon.

  37. Dear Father,
    Pls. pray that my wife,Wilhelmina, will be healed of her cancer soon. She is now undergoing chemotherapy.Hoping that she will make a complete recovery,too, once the tumor is gone.
    Thanking you in God & the Blessed Virgin Mary & Jesus,

  38. Please pray that my daughter will come to her senses and talk to me again. I did nothing against her and still, to this day, do not understand why she is behaving like I am her enemy. We were so close and I helped her so very much and now...she hates me. I keep praying for her to change and see the light that I did no harm to her. God help my family. I don't have anyone to turn to...I am a widow and alone. God be merciful to us all ...Amen



  41. Dear Father,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with us.
    I request prayers for good jobs and partner in marriage for both my daughters, for good health and a cool mind for my husband.

    Thank you

  42. Dear father,
    I have read your testimony and am so touched.I have attended mass once at VPH and i have started the healing process.
    Kindly pray for me to get healing in my marriage,from HIV,asthma and get a good job
    Be blessed

  43. I want to thank you Fr. Jose for coming to our little town of Marlette Mich. My friends and I cannot get you off our mind. My friend was a atheist she was baptize 6 months later. I was afraid of heights but 2 days after seeing you I was on top of the ladder. Then a month ago I was on top of the roof of the milk house. Thank You and God bless you. Please come back to our little town.

  44. Father Jose your testimony encourage me here in the Bahamas that tells no matter where you are he can use you pray for my Husband he is always in pain my family would come in to the faith.

  45. Lisa FAtigato LancasterJuly 10, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    mY dEAR Brother in Jesus Christ, FAther Maniyangat....Our little group visited you and Saint Catherine's Church on Saturday, July 6th, from the Tampa Bay area and I felt GREAT Peace in offering to you a little letter of prayer requests on behalf of myself and our two children, Mark and Luke. Am certain that all you spoke of during the Homily was TRUTH from Our Lord...and am deeply stirred by your humble willingness to help all. WE enjoyed your birthday celebration along with many from the church community and have an incredible photo gallery of your presence. Jesus is using your humble willingness as the instrument for much Love, instruction and help and HEALING for us faithful...and the debt cannot be paid. Yet, be comforted by the idea that Antonia , myself ( Lisa) , Kathy and Pierrette have prayed for you and will continue to do so....+++In Jesus' Most Holy Name and Precious Blood ,,,we pray.

  46. camilonoonguapo@yahoo.comAugust 11, 2013 at 5:12 PM

    Father Jose, I am a confused Catholic, 64 years of age. Many of my friends and others i knew have left and converted and baptized later in other religions because of the issues on statues and images that we are venerating.

    Also, there are Near Death Experience stories that reveal that some priests and bishops,and even Blessed Pope John Paul II are in hell because of unrepentance and false teachings.

    So where's the infallibility and holiness of our Pope?

    Please inform us who and what was Angelica Zambrano - the one with NDE who saw the Pope suffering in hell.

    Why was she saying there was no purgatory while you yourself had seen it?

    - camilonoonguapo- confused catholic

  47. Father please pray that my children do not suffer from generational sin and go to God as i have given them

  48. Dear Father,

    Please pray for my beloved mother whom has passed 5 months ago due to Brain Cancer. Many cherish and sweat moment when she was alive. It was a shocking day when we learned she would face a cancer. She was only one week when looking after her second grandson. We all miss her a lots. Please, pray for her souls. May GOD, bless her souls, Amen. In the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  49. Dear Father,

    Please pray for my beloved mother whom has passed 5 months ago due to Brain Cancer. Many cherish and sweat moment when she was alive. It was a shocking day when we learned she would face a cancer. She was only one week when looking after her second grandson. We all miss her a lots. Please, pray for her souls. May GOD, bless her souls, Amen. In the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  50. I have read your testimony and i am so touched. Please father pray for me and my daughter and girl friend. My daughter is a miracle child and has been thru so much in life she is 9 now and is doing amazing. I thank and pray to god every day that she won't have to have anymore heart surgerys . She is my only child and means the world to me.

  51. Please pray for my relationship. I've prayed so long and hard for us. we both come from broken homes. Maybe it's not God's will. But if it is, plesse pray to break generational sins and curses so we can have peace and love in our lives.


  52. please pray for my sisters who are advanced in age and non of them is married or even a child. they are curse also pray for my wife who has undergone two operations during child birth and finally pray for me to succeed in my career and book publication. thanks for your prayers

  53. I am also from Kerala, India and is a catholic.I am proud to be called a Keralite because of you, Father. I sincerely believe that your testimony will bring tens of thousands of American Catholics, who lost faith, back to Church. God Bless You.

  54. Father plz pray for my spiritual life I want to grow and for my brother sister for job

  55. plz pray for me I want to be close to Jesus

  56. plz pray for me I want to be close to Jesus

  57. Dear Fr.Jose,I believe it is a Blessing I got to read the Divine miracle of your second life in this world to heal the people like me sinners.What you experienced is beyond my imagination.Father please pray for us and our children's family to live a Christian life to fulfill our calling.I feel God sent me a special person to pray for us from now on.Thank you,Thank you,Thank you so much for your prayers.Faithfully,Annie.

    February 27,Friday,2014 at 10:39 pm.

  58. Dear FatherJose, JUST found this internet site. Thanks Abba Father God! For 55 years I have prayed to understand our son adopted as infant -doctors say has ADHD, Bi-polar, Organic Dyslexia. Lack of comprehension causees legal & social mix-ups. But he does be-lieve and love God! Please pray neurological impairment healing. Hope to visit you in FL. ~Mary

  59. Dear Father,

    Please pray that our family is kept away from generational sickness and our current job issues get solved. We look forward to you visiting Kerala especially becoz this state is in the grip of alcohol.

    With you in Spirit...

  60. Dear Father and Readers: I am an addict and a sinner. Please, please pray that God may grant me the Grace to Love Him so far more than anything on this Earth. Sin has me in it's grasp and I need the Light of Christ to free me. Just like the woman in Mark 5:28 - if I can taste but a speck of His Light, I will be transformed. Thank you and God Bless.

  61. Please pray for the conversion of my children and my daughters husband. My children have been baptized but never taught the faith as I left the faith when they were small and did not return until they were grown. My son in law has been thinking about joining for a couple of years but has not moved forward. My boys are pretty much agnostic. Please pray for their conversion.

  62. I ask you to pray for him and his ex-girlfriend MONIKA FICZ that we again get together, forgive each other for everything to be back among us love, affection, patience, serenity, peace, togetherness as soon as possible between us, understanding, joy, happiness, come right in what the two of us relationship with each other, come mónika back to me, let's be a couple, marry, live with each other happily, the Lord Jesus bless us, our relationship with the co-our existence, God, bring us together again, and give the Monika and I have full conversion Jesus and prayer for me one more comprehension, families conversion, peace, workplace, profession, miracles for our us and our family life, healing each other physically mentally, and our families, too, thank you to pray for us, God bless you this themselves be blessed, Jesus , amen!

  63. Father, please pray for me & my family!!!

  64. Interesting Near Death Experience - for the anonymous poster who doubted due to the fact he was dead for so long, there is another account, much more detailed, of a minister who was revived after 8 hours of death while being wheeled to the morgue. See "A Journey to Heaven by Richard Sigmund and Emanuel Swedenborg" at

  65. yes Rev. father it is true that there is Jesus angels Heaven and purgatory and even hell.Lord Jesus have Mercy on me a sinner

  66. My wife met you on Sep 14 and asked for your blessing since she has a big meningioma (6.3 x 4.6 x 5cm). She had a surgegy yesterday but they stopped because she's bleeding too much. Please pray for her. She's a converted catholic.

  67. father, your testimony is same like i read of Saint Christina the Astonishing (1150 – 1224) (feast day: July 24). I am a catholic , please pray for me that i can repent for mortal sin i committed so that i may go to heaven.

  68. Nothing is impossible with our God Almighty.

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    God Bless....

  69. Thank you so much for your beautiful testimony. I was raised in the church, but as I got older lost my way. I am a sinner and I am trying to get back to my Christian life. I have asked for forgiveness from our Lord for every sin I have committed against him. Please pray for me to receive the holy spirit and Gods mercy.

  70. Praise our Lord our God JESUS CHRIST

  71. Thank you for your comforting testimony. Please pray for our son, Michael, who is devastated over his broken marriage. He is so deeply wounded.

  72. father please pray for me and my family especially for my father & mother

  73. O lord pls help me to lead a good life and reach heaven

  74. Father please pray for me in my present struggle which i am facing alone and cannot disclose to anyone

  75. PLease pray for me in my present necessity which i am struggliing and cannot disclose

  76. Fr jose please pray for me as i am suffering from stage 3 chrinic kdney diseases may the God almighty touch and cure me from this diseases..

  77. Fr.Please pray for me as i am suffering from stage 3 chronic kidney disease may the almighty God touch me and deliver me...

  78. Hi Father I believe your story and what Jesus and the Blessed Mother did for you. Please pray for me and my family, and that I may do God's will in my life,

  79. Dear Father.

    I am very comforted and encouraged by your strong faith. The service and ministry you are doing around the world really inspires me in my faith. Praise God for that!

    I am a believer my self, and I have had visions from God in my youth. I haven't had any visions in many years, but maybe God see, that I don't need them now? I would like to be stronger in my journey pointed out by God. (I am a minister in Church in Denmark). I haven't always been a diligent and strong follower of Christ Jesus, so I would like you to pray for me to be steadfast, faithful and a stronger and more bold believer.

    I hope that you would also pray especially for one of my three daughters, that have been lured away from the christian congregation and thereby from the belief in Christ Jesus. She is a good girl (adult), but would be liberated from so much trouble by being saved by our Lord Jesus Christ. I would also ask you to pray for my family tree, as sexsual sins and other vices on my fathers side has put a spell on my own life at times.

    I am grateful to God, that there are people like you devout and faithfull in his calling.


  80. Father may you please pray for the complete healing of someone very close in my heart from cancer and the healing of her heart condition. Lately her condition has aggravated that it is hard for her to exert physical effort. I am also praying for her and I believe that with your God given ministry she will recover completely from both ailment. May God bless you.

  81. I thank God for leading me to this site. May God bless us.

  82. Father.. please pray for me... My name is KS. James Brilliantson.. I'm very confuse about my life..... I'm just too weak in everything.... ijust can't do anything.. Thanks Father

  83. This is a topic that is near to my heart... Many thanks!
    Exactly where are your contact details though?

  84. My names is Marian Wongi to testify about the great spell caster called Dr Osasu my husband and i have been married for 8 years now we don't have a child and the doctor told us i can't give birth because my womb have been damaged due to wrong drugs prescription this got me so worried and my husband was not happy so he decided to get married to another girl and divorce me i was so sad i told my friend about it she told me about a powerful spell caster she gave me his email address well i never believe in it that much though i just decided to give him a try and he told me it will take 24hrs to get my husband back to me and i will get pregnant i doubted him the 3rd day my husband came back to me and was crying he said he didn't want the divorce anymore 3 weeks after the doctor confirmed that i was pregnant he can also help you contact him at


    WhatsApp +2347064365391
