Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sydney: Retreat by Rev. Dr. Fr. Augustine Vallooran

An Invitation to attend and experience Spiritual Renewal

"Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." (John 21:17)
Click here for All videos by Fr Augustine Vallooran

Prayer by Fr Augustine Vallooran

Let us pray

Lord Jesus we come to you with thanksgiving today for this marvelous gift of life. More precious for us O God is to know that in this life we are not alone. You are there with us to make life a celebration. Your life and death and resurrection has brought to us life, and life in all its fullness. Your love has transformed our life - making every moment a moment of blessing and grateful remembrance because by your presence with us you have turned all things for our good. We thank you for the Church, the community of love that you have placed us in. Here O Lord we have seen your mercy and power manifested. Here it is that you have called us to love and serve you and be channels of your loving presence.

Today as we come before you O God, we place everything in our life, our families and our work, our future and our past at your holy altar. May your purifying love remove from us every attitude and aspect of our living that does not glorify you. We live for you O Jesus for in you is life. May your glory be magnified by our life and our death. Amen.

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