Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Divine Overseas Mission in JAKARTA, INDONESIA by Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C

28-29 JANUARY 2012
"You Are Precious To Me"(Isaiah 43:4)

Conducted By
Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C.
Director - Divine Retreat Centre, India
Glen & Teresa La Rive

Do not miss this blessed opportunity to begin 2012 by experiencing a spiritual renewal  
and healing through the Power of Jesus' Unconditional Love!
Be in the Presence of God - BE EMPOWERED!

St. Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish, Jakarta, Indonesia

 Venue: Gereja St. Theresia 
 Aula / Auditorium St. Theresia
Jalan Gereja St. Theresia No.2
Jakarta Pusat
DKI Jakarta

DAY 1 
 Date: 28 January 2012 (SATURDAY)
Time: 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.* 
 *(A complimentary simple lunch is included)
DAY 2 
 Date: 29 January 2012 (SUNDAY)
Time: 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.*
Break for 11.30 a.m. mass
 * (A complimentary simple lunch is included)
  Registration is FREE!

DAY 2 
 Date: 29 January 2012 (SUNDAY)
Time: 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.*
Break for 11.30 a.m. mass
 * (A complimentary simple lunch is included)
  Registration is FREE!
Please RSVP your attendance to the following contact persons:
 Bro. Tom S.  - 0818705840
   Bro. Pete L. -  08164814868
Sis. Vinola  0811807209
We request your assistance to inform your friends and loved ones
residing in Jakarta, Indonesia of this Divine retreat.
For more information on Divine Retreat Centre's news and activities and on Divine TV, please do visit our websites: /
Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C. 
Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor P.O., Chalakudy 680 316, Kerala , India   

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