Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spiritual Experience - God's Love - Muslim Imam Bux Bawa - finds Lord Jesus Christ

Change of Religion and Heart 
- Deep Spiritual Experience - of Muslim Imam Bux Bawa to Christianity

Brief Introduction

My ancestors came from Persia to work as religious heads and functionaries. Some of them settled in the city of Bhuj in Kutch and others in Jamnagar in Kathiawad. Later we moved to Bombay when the followers of the incarnation Kalanki settled there.

My Contempt of Christians

I benefited a great deal by coming to Bombay, where I got the opportunity to learn English. At home we spoke Persian, and in school we were taught Gujarathi. At this time I developed a great interest in reading and more particularly in religious subjects. However I felt no inclination to read the Christian Bible, which I was certain to be false. I scorned the Christian religion and felt that it would be a sin to even touch the Bible or to have anything to do with the Christians.


An Encounter in the Garden 

One day I was strolling in the Victoria Gardens (Ranicha Bagh and now Jijamata Udyan) in Bombay, when I noticed that a large crowd had gathered around an Englishman. My curiosity took me closer and I was infuriated when I found that he had been preaching in Persian. With uncontrolled anger, I abused him to his face, calling him a donkey, idiot, liar, thief and a cheat.

I had expected him to retaliate, in which case the Muslims around there would have beaten him up. But instead he stood there calmly, and quietly said to me, “Had you looked at my white beard and gray hair, you should have realized that I am like a grandfather to you. You could have spoken gentler words, suitable for your age and my stature. However, I tell you from the depths of my heart, that all that you said about me is true! I am indeed a donkey, a fool, a worthless, useless man in the sight of God! In spite of this, God has been merciful to me. The amazing story of God’s mercy is written in the Bible and I have come here to tell every one about it. I appeal to you to read the Bible. Concentrate on God and His message, instead of looking down upon my shortcomings or my mistakes”.

I was completely astounded by his words. He was clearly a highly educated man, fluent in many languages like Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Marathi, Gujarathi and English. He made me feel very insignificant, and I was in no position to argue with him. But then out of sheer defiance I said to him, “You fool, I know all your scriptures from beginning to end!”

To this he only replied politely, “I have been studying these scriptures for 33 years, and yet I am not certain that I have understood everything from beginning to end, may be, because, as you said, I am a donkey. I am happy to hear that a young man like you has understood it all. So I have a question for you: What was it that the Lord Jesus Christ said to the Samaritan woman?” I did not know the answer, so how could I say anything? I was confused and could only manage to say, “I have not read the Old Testament.” But this story is actually in the New Testament. I became very uncomfortable. My friends and other Muslims caused a big stir and the old man was made to keep quiet.

On our way home my friends congratulated and praised me and I felt very elated. I began to imagine that there could be no one as clever as I. I even stood up a learned Christian preacher. This exultant feeling stayed with me for a long time.


At Last: Experiencing the Love of God

But the Lord had not abandoned me. Within a few days, I actually had the experience that I had been longing for, something impossible to put into words.

Taste and see that the Lord is good.’ How can I describe it to anyone who has not experienced it himself? Instead of darkness I began to see light everywhere. By divine grace, I experienced the love of God that cannot be expressed in words. My heart was dancing with ecstasy. I began to feel that my soul was imprisoned within my mortal body. I saw so much love on the Lord’s face and all around me, that my heart went out in love towards everyone. 


Read Entire Personal Testimony @

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Just want to say thank you for this interesting article! =) Peace, Joy.
