Thursday, August 23, 2012

Saudi Arabian Muslim converts from ISLAM to Christianity - Praised be Jesus

Prophet Joel 2:28 

"It shall come to pass (on the last days)
I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions."

Testimony of Saudi Ex Muslim - Mariam

"I personally saw HIM. I asked God to show me a dream and thanks be to God, in a week, HE showed me in a dream"

"If you are hesitant ask God and HE will show you. HE will show you that Jesus is truly the Son of God." 

"I go to church four days a week" 

"We go and try to bring in people who do not know Jesus" 

"And we help people those who want to accept Jesus"



Watch this testimony - God's work for HIS Kingdom.  

Pray for all our Muslim brothers and sisters for the Holy Spirit to baptize everyone - In the NAME of the FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT. 

Let us open our hearts for the Holy Spirit to come and fill us with His power. This power shall lead us closer to Jesus, uniting us with Him, making our lives more beautiful. Imagine the power of the Holy Spirit filling us with love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self control, faithfulness. This is the culture of the Holy Spirit that we must be living.

More testimonies of Saudi Muslims coming to Jesus


Let us pray:

Mother Mary, be with us as we wait in prayer for the Promise of the Holy Spirit to clothe us and our non-christian brothers and sisters with the Power from Above. Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, comfort and enlighten us!

We open our hearts to You, Spirit of God so that we shall be made into new creations. The old shall pass away and the new life that Jesus has promised us will come to us.

1 comment:

  1. Hayakallah...Lord Jesus be praised...Aalan wa sallan habibi...let Lord Jesus project you always from your enemies and make you an instrument of bringing more Muslims to the true God.

    Merwin.....India....ex Saudi employee
