Wednesday, September 30, 2020

An Evening of Praise, Worship, Talk and Divine Mercy Prayer

An Evening of Praise, Worship, Talk and Mercy Prayer Talk:

We are at War - by Br Jude Antoine 

Saturday 03rd October 2020 8PM Sydney TIME ZONE 

(3:30 PM India Time - same day) 

Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 439 915 2776 Password : 124622 


 Share, Care, Cure, Spread - Jesus.

Link to Judy's healing of hip pain 


Before that a positive tested COVID-19 patient had a miraculous change and tested negative to COVID-19 after prayer. 


Prayer releases fire and power of the Holy Spirit and activates the supernatural over the natural. 

Tap into this realm and walk in Victory in Jesus name. Jesus works marvelously and is ALIVE.

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