Saturday, September 26, 2020

Fr Albert MSFS - Family - A Fundamental Unit of Evangelization


We welcome you for Divine Mercy Prayer and Talk (Family - Fundamental Unit of Evangelisation) - By Fr Albert Fernandes MSFS - Founder Director of W2W - Word to the World Ministries.

Saturday 26th September 2020 8PM Sydney TIME ZONE (3:30 PM India Time - same day)

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 439 915 2776 Password : 124622

Share, Care, Spread - Jesus.

Rosary intercession starts at 7:35PM Sydney time. Why not come together on Saturdays as one God's family and pray with our Blessed Mother. You are most welcome to connect via Zoom.

with prayers and joy in the risen Lord


Fr Albert is on Fire with the digital evangelisation, who works tirelessly every day for more than 20 hours. Yes that is correct. So much zeal, so much determination, so much tenacity. But most importantly - Love of Jesus.

If You would like to offer anniversaries, mass, birthdays or prayer intentions - send your request to Fr Albert.

Do Support Fr Albert directly on his channel -

English First Friday Adoration and Daily Mass - we watch at his channel. Super Inspiring.

If there is tension, discord, division, brokenness,, hatred, feelings of getting even/revenge, relationship issues, heaviness, anger within family or extended family, then review your family life, entire family. See What Bible recommends and where you are falling short.?
Attend this talk, united and coming together as a priority and see how Jesus will help you with this simple gesture of unity. Note - Heaven is taking note.

Share, Care, Spread.

With prayers and Love of Jesus,
Christ to the world

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